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Systematic Sampling

Systematic Sampling

Systematic sampling is a probability sampling method that involves selecting samples at regular intervals from a population. This method is also known as spaced-sample selection or quasi-random sampling.


  1. Select a sampling frame: Create a list of all elements in the population.
  2. Determine the interval: Calculate the interval size, which is the number of elements between each selected sample.
  3. Select starting point: Randomly select a starting point within the frame.
  4. Draw samples: Select samples at regular intervals from the starting point. The interval size remains constant.

Types of Systematic Sampling:

  • Simple random sampling: Each element in the frame has an equal chance of being selected.
  • Systematic sampling: Elements are selected at regular intervals from a frame.
  • Stratified systematic sampling: Elements are selected from different strata based on their distribution in the population.


  • Provides an unbiased sample: Systematic sampling ensures that all elements in the population have an equal chance of being selected, reducing bias.
  • Cost-effective: Can be more efficient than other sampling methods, reducing time and costs.
  • Easy to generalize: Results from a systematic sample can be generalized to the population with a higher degree of confidence.


  • Lack of independence: Samples may be dependent on each other, especially with large intervals.
  • Potential biases: Can introduce biases if the sampling frame is not representative of the population.
  • Selection bias: Can lead to biased results if the starting point is not random.


  • Selecting every fifth household in a census.
  • Selecting every third student in a classroom for a survey.
  • Selecting every tenth page in a book for a literature review.


Systematic sampling is a widely used probability sampling method that provides a cost-effective and unbiased sample. It is useful for large populations when it is not feasible to select a random sample. However, it is important to be aware of its potential biases and limitations.
