1 min read

Tangible Assets

Tangible Assets

Tangible assets are physical assets that can be touched and seen. They include:

  • Land: Plots of land, buildings, and other real estate.
  • Structures: Buildings, bridges, roads, and other infrastructure.
  • Machinery: Equipment, tools, vehicles, and other machinery.
  • Inventory: Goods and materials that are held for resale or production.
  • Investments: Assets such as stocks, bonds, and derivatives that are traded on financial markets.

Examples of Tangible Assets:

  • A house
  • A car
  • A computer
  • A painting
  • A piece of land

Characteristics of Tangible Assets:

  • Physical: Can be touched and seen.
  • Measurable: Can be quantified in terms of units such as dollars, square meters, or tons.
  • Usable: Can be used to produce or consume goods and services.
  • Durable: Can withstand use and last for many years.
  • Transferable: Can be transferred ownership to others.

Benefits of Tangible Assets:

  • Collateral: Can be used as collateral for loans.
  • Wealth accumulation: Can help build wealth and provide a source of retirement income.
  • Protection of savings: Can protect savings from inflation and market fluctuations.
  • Usefulness: Can be used for both personal and business purposes.

Drawbacks of Tangible Assets:

  • Depreciation: Can depreciate in value over time.
  • Maintenance: Require maintenance and repair to function properly.
  • Risk of loss: Can be damaged or destroyed in various ways.
  • High cost: Can be expensive to purchase and maintain.
