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Cost Center

A cost center is a segment of an organization that is responsible for controlling costs for a particular product, service, or customer. Cost centers are used in many different industries, including manufacturing, retail, and service industries. Primary Purpose: To provide a cost-management focus for each specific area of the organization. To track and control costs […]

1 min read

Accumulated Depreciation

Accumulated depreciation is an account used to track the cumulative depreciation expense for a company’s assets. It is calculated by taking the accumulated depreciation expense for each asset and adding it to the depreciation expense for the period. Formula for accumulated depreciation: Accumulated depreciation = Total depreciation expense – Current depreciation expense Explanation: Total depreciation […]

1 min read


Definition: Receivables are accounts receivable, amounts due from customers for goods sold or services rendered on credit. They are current assets that represent amounts that are owed to the company by its customers. Types of Receivables: ** Accounts receivable:** Amounts due from customers for invoices or bills issued. Open accounts: Accounts with customers where payments […]

1 min read

Sunk Cost

Sunk cost fallacy is a cognitive bias refers to the phenomenon where people continue to invest resources (e.g., time, money, effort) in a failing project or situation in the belief that they have already invested too much to quit. Reasons for sunk cost fallacy: Confirmation bias: The tendency to favor information that confirms our existing […]

1 min read

Internal Audit

Definition: Internal audit is an independent, assurance function within an organization that provides risk-based assurance about the organization’s governance, control, and accountability processes. It is performed by the organization’s own internal auditors, who are not involved in the day-to-day operations of the organization. Key Objectives: Provide reasonable assurance about the reliability and accuracy of financial […]

2 mins read

Accounting Software

Accounting Software: A Comprehensive Overview Accounting software is a powerful tool used by businesses to manage their finances. It helps automate tasks, streamline processes, and provide real-time financial insights. There are many different software options available, each with its own unique features and benefits. Types of Accounting Software: Small Business Accounting: Designed specifically for small […]

2 mins read

Absorption Costing

Absorption Costing Absorption costing is a method of accounting that records cost of goods sold as part of cost of goods sold rather than as separate expenses. This method is commonly used in situations where a company manufactures or assembles its own products. Key Principles of Absorption Costing: Costs are absorbed into cost of goods […]

2 mins read

Managerial Accounting

Managerial Accounting Managerial accounting is a specialized type of accounting that provides financial information and analysis to help managers make informed decisions. It is not simply the preparation of financial statements, but also involves providing insights into the financial performance of the organization, identifying trends and patterns, and helping to develop strategies for achieving organizational […]

2 mins read

Gross Working Capital

Gross Working Capital (GWC) Gross working capital (GWC) is a measure of a company’s current assets that are used to finance its current liabilities. It is calculated by subtracting current liabilities from current assets. Formula: GWC = Current Assets – Current Liabilities Components of GWC: Current Assets: Accounts receivable, inventory, cash, short-term investments, prepaid expenses. […]

1 min read

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