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A rollercoaster, also known as a carousel swing, is a ride at an amusement park that consists of a large, circular metal loop or track. It is designed to give passengers a thrilling experience of soaring through the air. Description: Structure: The rollercoaster is built on a large, circular track, which can be either straight […]

1 min read


Definition: A patent is a legal right granted to an inventor to exclude others from making, using, selling, or importing an invention for a limited time. It is a form of intellectual property protection. Types of Patents: Utility patents: Protect inventions that are useful and novel. Design patents: Protect ornamental designs. Plant patents: Protect plant […]

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Definition: A company is a legal entity that is owned and controlled by shareholders. It is a separate and distinct entity from its shareholders, with its own separate legal existence. Types of Companies: Public Companies: Shares are traded on a public stock exchange. Private Companies: Shares are not traded publicly. Limited Liability Companies (LLCs): Owners […]

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Life Cycle

Life Cycle The life cycle is a sequence of events that occur in a living organism from the time it is conceived to the time it dies. It encompasses all the changes that the organism undergoes throughout its existence, including growth, reproduction, and metabolism. Major Phases of the Life Cycle: 1. Germination:* Occurs when a […]

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Economies Of Scope

Economies of Scope Economies of scope occur when a company can produce a larger quantity of a product or service at a lower cost per unit than it could produce a smaller quantity. This is because the company can spread the fixed costs (such as overhead costs and equipment costs) over a larger number of […]

2 mins read

Iso 9000

ISO 9000 is an international standard for quality management systems (QMS). It is a set of guidelines that helps organizations ensure that they consistently provide products and services that meet customer requirements and expectations. Key Principles of ISO 9000: Customer Focus: Organizations focus on meeting customer needs and expectations. Process Approach: Organizations use standardized processes […]

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Definition: Bandwidth is a measure of the rate of data transfer or the speed of information flow. It refers to the range of frequencies of electrical signals that can be transmitted over a communication channel. Units: The unit of bandwidth is Hertz (Hz) or Megaertz (MHz). One Hertz is equal to one cycle per second. […]

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Social Capital

Social Capital Social capital is a concept that describes the resources that individuals derive from their social networks and relationships. It includes the networks of relationships, shared norms, values, and beliefs that exist within a particular community or society. Key Components of Social Capital: Structural capital: The formal structure of social networks, such as the […]

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Definition: A pipeline is a sequence of steps or operations performed in a particular order, typically involving the flow of data or information from one point to another. Components: Source: The starting point of the pipeline, where the data originates. Operators: Operators are functions or tools that perform transformations on the data. Transformations: Operations performed […]

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Business Essentials

Essential Business Functions: 1. Marketing and Sales:– Market research and customer targeting- Product development and pricing- Sales and customer service 2. Operations:– Supply chain management- Production and manufacturing- Logistics and distribution 3. Finance and Accounting:– Financial planning and budgeting- Accounting and financial reporting- Cash flow management 4. Human Resources:– Recruiting and onboarding- Employee training and […]

1 min read

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