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Quality Management

Quality Management Quality management is a set of principles and practices that focus on delivering customer satisfaction through the consistent production and delivery of high-quality products and services. It is a customer-centric approach to quality that emphasizes customer expectations and requirements. Key Principles of Quality Management: 1. Customer Focus:– Understanding customer needs and wants- Meeting […]

1 min read

Operations Management

Operations Management (OM) is a critical business function that focuses on planning, executing, controlling, and improving operational processes to create, deliver, and serve products and services effectively. It involves optimizing processes, managing resources, and ensuring customer satisfaction. Key Focus Areas: 1. Planning:– Forecasting demand- Inventory management- Capacity planning- Scheduling and sequencing 2. Execution:– Production and […]

1 min read

Natural Selection

Natural Selection Natural selection is a fundamental concept in evolutionary biology that describes the process by which living organisms better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce. This principle is fundamental to understanding how organisms have adapted to their specific ecological niches over time. Key Principles of Natural Selection: 1. Variation: […]

2 mins read


Outsourcing Outsourcing is the process of contracting with an external company to perform services that could be performed internally. It involves transferring the responsibility for providing a service to a third-party provider. Reasons for Outsourcing: Cost savings: Outsourcing can reduce costs by leveraging the economies of scale of the service provider. Focus on core competencies: […]

1 min read

Operational Risk

Operational risk is the risk faced by an organization due to its operations. It is the risk of losses arising from inadequate or ineffective controls over the processes of the organization. Key characteristics of operational risk: Inherent: It arises from the nature of the organization’s operations itself. Uncertain: It can be difficult to predict the […]

2 mins read

Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility Social responsibility is a concept that refers to the obligation of individuals and organizations to contribute to the well-being of society, beyond their core business interests. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including environmental protection, social justice, community engagement, and ethical business practices. Key Principles of Social Responsibility: Accountability: Taking responsibility for […]

1 min read

Quasi Contract

Quasi-Contract A quasi-contract is a legal relationship that arises from the creation of a certain expectation, even though a formal contract is not expressly formed. It is essentially a situation where one party makes a promise or takes an action that creates a duty of performance, even though there is no intention to form a […]

1 min read


Sure, please define “vendor”: Vendor: A company that provides goods or services to another company (the buyer). The vendor is responsible for providing the goods or services as agreed upon in the contract between the two companies. Here are some key points about vendors: Provide goods or services: Vendors provide goods or services to buyers. […]

1 min read


Markup is a type of formatting language used to add structure and semantics to text. It is typically used in conjunction with a markup language processor, such as a web browser or a text editor. Common markup languages: HTML: HyperText Markup Language, the most widely used markup language for web development. CSS: Cascading Style Sheets, […]

1 min read

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