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The C Suite, also known as the Central Suite, refers to the executive suite or top leadership team of a company. Typically, the C Suite consists of the following key roles: Chief Executive Officer (CEO): The CEO is the overall head of the company and responsible for its overall strategy and operations. They set the […]

3 mins read

Glass Cliff

Glass Cliff A “glass cliff” is a metaphor used to describe a situation in which a company or organization appears to be on a trajectory for success, but is actually at a precarious risk of collapse. It’s a term coined by venture capitalist Andrew Chen in his book “The Future of Venture Capital.” Characteristics of […]

2 mins read

Servant Leadership

Servant Leadership Servant leadership is a leadership style characterized by the belief that the most effective way to lead is to serve others. In servant leadership, the leader’s primary focus is on helping others to achieve their goals, rather than on personal gain or power. Key Principles of Servant Leadership: Empathy: Understanding and caring about […]

1 min read

Duty Of Care

Duty of Care The duty of care is a legal obligation of a party to act with reasonable care, in a way that prevents harm to others. It is a key concept in law that applies in various situations, including negligence, product liability, and tort law. Elements of Duty of Care: 1. Duty Exists:– The […]

2 mins read

Cfo – Chief Financial Officer

A Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is a key executive role responsible for managing a company’s financial operations and ensuring its overall financial health. Here’s a breakdown of their primary responsibilities: Key Responsibilities: Financial Planning and Analysis: Developing long-term financial strategies aligned with the company’s goals Forecasting financial performance and creating budgets Monitoring actual performance against […]

1 min read

Board Of Trustees

Definition: The board of trustees is a group of individuals elected or appointed to govern a nonprofit organization. They are responsible for overseeing the organization’s overall operations, including its mission, financial stability, and compliance with laws and regulations. Key Responsibilities: Setting the organization’s strategic direction: Establishing long-term goals and objectives, approving the organization’s budget, and […]

2 mins read

General Manager

Definition: A general manager is an executive responsible for overseeing all aspects of a company’s operations and ensuring its overall success. They are typically the highest-level manager and have direct responsibility for the company’s strategy, performance, and profitability. Key Responsibilities: Strategic planning: Defining company goals, developing strategies to achieve them, and monitoring progress. Financial management: […]

1 min read

Least-Preferred Coworker Scale

Least Preferred Coworker Scale This scale helps you rank your least preferred coworkers. Please rate each coworker on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the least preferred and 5 being the most preferred. Categories: 1. Work Habits:– Poor time management- Unreliable- Disorganized- Sloppy work- Negative attitude 2. Personal Traits:– Arrogant- Immature- Self-centered- […]

1 min read

Non-Executive Director

Non-Executive Director A non-executive director is a member of a company’s board of directors who does not have an executive role in the company. Unlike executive directors, non-executive directors do not have day-to-day operational responsibility for the company. Instead, they provide guidance and oversight to the company’s management team and act as a check on […]

2 mins read

Power Broker

Definition: A power broker is an intermediary who facilitates transactions between parties, typically high-net-worth individuals or large corporations. They act as intermediaries, connecting buyers and sellers, and often exercising influence on the deal structure and terms. Key Traits: High-level networking abilities: Power brokers have extensive networks with influential individuals and organizations. Negotiation expertise: They are […]

2 mins read

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