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Definition: A bottleneck is a point in a process or system where the flow of data or resources is restricted, causing a delay or slowdown in the overall system performance. Causes: Hardware limitations: Insufficient memory, slow processor, or insufficient storage space. Software limitations: Inefficient algorithms, poorly designed data structures, or bottlenecks in the code. Network […]

1 min read


Definition: A corporation is a legal entity that is separate and distinct from its shareholders. It is a separate entity that can own property, enter into contracts, and sue and be sued in its own name. Shareholders own shares of stock in the corporation, which represent their ownership interest. Key Features: Separate Legal Entity: The […]

2 mins read

Social Media Definition

Social media definition: Social media is a set of online platforms that allow individuals to interact, share information, and build relationships. It is a form of electronic communication that enables users to connect with friends, family, colleagues, and other groups. Key features of social media: Connectivity: Allows users to connect with others from around the […]

1 min read


Definition: Haggling is a negotiation process in which a buyer and seller engage in a back-and-forth exchange of offers and counteroffers to reach a mutually acceptable price. It is a common practice in many cultures, particularly in the United States and the Middle East. Process: Initial Offer: The seller makes an initial offer, which is […]

1 min read

Guerilla Marketing

Guerrilla Marketing Definition: Guerrilla marketing, also known as stealth marketing or unconventional marketing, is a marketing strategy that involves low-cost, highly creative, and unexpected marketing tactics to generate consumer attention and engagement. It often harnesses unconventional channels and techniques to reach a target audience in surprising ways. Key Principles: Surprising and Contextual: Guerrilla marketing tactics […]

1 min read

Competitive Advantage

Competitive Advantage Competitive advantage refers to a company’s ability to create and sustain a position of superiority over its competitors in a particular market. It is achieved by creating unique value offerings that customers are willing to pay more for, or by delivering the same value at a lower cost. Sources of Competitive Advantage: 1. […]

2 mins read


Definition: Visibility is the degree to which something can be seen. It is a measure of the clarity and distance at which an object can be seen. Factors Affecting Visibility: Light intensity: The amount of available light. Contrast: The difference in brightness between the object and its surroundings. Color: The chromatic properties of the object […]

1 min read


The word “register” has several meanings, depending on context. Please provide more information about the specific meaning you are interested in, so I can give you the appropriate response. Here are the different meanings of “register”: Official record: A document containing information about a particular person, organization, or event. To record: To write down information […]

1 min read

Six Sigma

Six Sigma is a methodology for reducing process variations and improving product quality. It is a data-driven, customer-focused approach to eliminating defects and improving overall performance. Key principles of Six Sigma: DMAIC: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control – a structured problem-solving methodology. Statistical tools: Use MINT (Measurement, Inspection, Training) and SPC tools to identify and […]

1 min read

Batch Processing

Batch Processing Batch processing is a type of computer programming technique that executes a set of operations on a group of data records in a single pass, rather than processing each record individually. Key Concepts: Batch: A group of data records processed together. Processing Pass: A single execution of a set of operations on a […]

2 mins read

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