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Social Responsibility

Social responsibility is a concept that refers to the obligation of individuals and organizations to contribute to the well-being of society, beyond their core business interests. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including environmental protection, social justice, community engagement, and ethical business practices. Key Principles of Social Responsibility: Types of Social Responsibility: Benefits of […]

2 mins read

Quasi Contract

A quasi-contract is a legal relationship that arises from the creation of a certain expectation, even though a formal contract is not expressly formed. It is essentially a situation where one party makes a promise or takes an action that creates a duty of performance, even though there is no intention to form a full-blown […]

2 mins read


Sure, please define “vendor”: Vendor: A company that provides goods or services to another company (the buyer). The vendor is responsible for providing the goods or services as agreed upon in the contract between the two companies. Here are some key points about vendors: Provide goods or services: Vendors provide goods or services to buyers. […]

1 min read


Markup is a type of formatting language used to add structure and semantics to text. It is typically used in conjunction with a markup language processor, such as a web browser or a text editor. Common markup languages: HTML: HyperText Markup Language, the most widely used markup language for web development. CSS: Cascading Style Sheets, […]

1 min read


Standardization is a process of transforming data into a standardized form, typically by scaling it to a specific range or by removing mean and variance. It is a normalization technique that brings data from different sources or scales into a common format, making it easier to compare and analyze. Formula for Standardization: z = (x […]

2 mins read


Sure, here’s the definition of “not for profit”: Not-for-profit organization is a legal entity that operates primarily to benefit a cause rather than to generate profit for its members or shareholders. Unlike for-profit organizations, which are primarily structured to generate profit, not-for-profit organizations are primarily structured to serve the public good or address social issues, […]

1 min read


A receipt is a document issued by a seller to a buyer indicating the sale of goods or services and detailing the items purchased, the quantities, prices, and total cost. Common components of a receipt: Types of receipts: Uses of receipts: FAQs

2 mins read


Definition: The scope of a variable or function is the region of code in which the variable or function is defined. It determines the accessibility of the variable or function to different parts of the program. Variables: Functions: Scope Rules: Example: “`python Global variable global_variable = 10 Local variable def my_function(): local_variable = 20 Local […]

2 mins read

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