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Ad Valorem Tax

Definition: Ad valorem tax is a tax levied on the value of property, goods, or services at the time of sale or transfer. It is a type of indirect tax that is paid on the basis of the assessed value of the property or item. Formula: The ad valorem tax is calculated based on the […]

1 min read


A taxpayer is an individual or corporation that is required to pay taxes to a government agency. In the United States, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is the agency responsible for collecting taxes. Types of taxpayers: Individuals: Natural persons who are employed, own businesses, or have investments. Corporations: Legal entities that are taxed as separate […]

1 min read

Cess On Income Tax

cess on income tax A cess on income tax is a surcharge levied on income in addition to the regular income tax. It is imposed by the government as a means of raising additional revenue. Rate of cess: The cess rate varies from country to country. In India, for example, the current cess rate is […]

1 min read

Tax Arbitrage

Tax arbitrage Tax arbitrage is a strategy that involves exploiting differences in tax rates across various jurisdictions to minimize or eliminate taxes. It involves shifting the residency or business operations to jurisdictions with lower tax rates, thereby reducing the overall tax burden. Types of Tax Arbitrage: Individual Tax Arbitrage: Moving residences to jurisdictions with lower […]

1 min read

Tax Bracket

A tax bracket is a range of income levels that are taxed at the same rate. The income levels in a tax bracket are defined by the tax code and are used to calculate the amount of tax owed for a particular income level. There are typically several tax brackets, with each bracket having a […]

1 min read

Direct Tax

Direct Tax Direct tax is a type of tax that is levied directly on individuals and corporations. It is collected by governments at the source of income or consumption. Examples of direct taxes include income tax, corporate tax, property tax, and excise tax. Key Features of Direct Tax: Levied directly on individuals and corporations: The […]

2 mins read

Ta,Travelling Allowance

Travelling Allowance A travelling allowance is a sum of money provided to an employee or officer to cover the expenses incurred while travelling for business purposes. It is usually a fixed amount or a percentage of the employee’s salary. Eligibility: Employees who are required to travel for business purposes. Officers who travel on official duty. […]

1 min read

House Rent Allowance (Hra)

House Rent Allowance (HRA) House Rent Allowance (HRA) is a tax-exempt allowance provided by employers to their employees as a reimbursement for rent paid for residential purposes. It is a common employee benefit in India. Eligibility: Employees employed in India Employer-provided accommodation is not available or is inadequate Employee’s total salary is below a certain […]

1 min read

Tax Haven

Definition: A tax haven is a country or territory that offers low or no taxation on individuals and corporations, often through aggressive tax avoidance policies and exemptions. These countries typically have low corporate and personal income tax rates, as well as exemptions on various forms of income and assets. Characteristics: Low taxation: Countries with exceptionally […]

1 min read

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