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Free Enterprise

Free enterprise is a system of economic activity in which private ownership and individual initiative are the primary drivers of production, distribution, and exchange of goods and services. This system is characterized by the following principles: 1. Private Ownership:– Property rights are privately owned, meaning that individuals have the right to own and control their […]

2 mins read

Balance Of Payment

The balance of payments account is a statement that summarizes all foreign exchange transactions made by a country during a particular period of time. It includes all payments and receipts from foreign trade, investment, and other sources. The balance of payments account helps maintain the stability of a country’s currency. Components of the Balance of […]

2 mins read

Paid Up Capital

Paid-up capital is the portion of the authorized share capital that has been paid for by shareholders at the time of subscription or purchase. It is also referred to as the contributed capital and represents the amount paid in cash or other assets for the shares. Formula: Paid-up capital = Issued shares ร— par value […]

1 min read

Imperfect Competition

Impperfect Competition Impperfect competition is a market structure in which there are a large number of buyers and sellers, but each firm is a small player in the overall market. This means that firms can influence the market price, but they are not able to control it completely. Characteristics of Impperfect Competition: Many buyers and […]

2 mins read

Poc,Proof Of Concept

Proof of Concept (POC) A proof of concept (POC) is a small-scale implementation that demonstrates the feasibility of a proposed solution or technology. It is used to prove the concept and provide a basis for further development. Purpose of POC: Validate the feasibility of a concept: To determine whether a proposed solution or technology can […]

2 mins read

Consumer Price Index ร‚ย€ย“ Cpi

Consumer Price Index (CPI) Explained The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of inflation that tracks changes in the cost of living for urban wage earners and families in the United States. It’s a key indicator of inflation, often used to gauge the overall health of the economy. Main Components: The CPI is divided […]

1 min read

Nobel Memorial Prize In Economic Sciences

The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences is one of the most prestigious awards in the field of economics. It is awarded annually to three economists who have made significant contributions to the field. Eligibility: To be eligible for the prize, a candidate must be a scientist who has made important contributions to the field […]

1 min read


Industrialisation Industrialisation is the process of transforming a society from an agrarian or hunting-gathering economy to one based on industry. It is characterized by the use of technology to produce goods on a large scale, often involving the use of fossil fuels for power and the development of new materials and products. Key Features of […]

2 mins read

Near Money

Near money is a type of money that is easily convertible into cash or other forms of money. It includes: 1. Travelers checks: Cheques drawn on a bank in a different country.2. Foreign exchange: Coins and banknotes of other countries.3. Money orders: Orders to pay a specific amount of money to a particular recipient.4. Treasury […]

1 min read

Subvention,Subvention Meaning

Subvention is a financial assistance provided by the government or other organization to an individual or company, typically in the form of a payment or tax reduction. It is a policy designed to encourage particular behavior or industry growth. Subvention meaning: Subvention: Financial assistance provided by a government or organization to individuals or businesses. Subvention: […]

1 min read

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