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Green Economics

Green economics is an approach to economics that emphasizes the role of environmental sustainability in economic decision-making. It advocates for the adoption of policies and practices that reduce environmental degradation and promote economic prosperity. Key Principles of Green Economics: 1. Ecological Integrity: Recognizing the interdependence of humans and the natural environment, green economics prioritizes the […]

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Raw Materials

Definition: Raw materials are natural substances that are used as inputs in the production of finished goods and products. They are usually extracted from the earth or obtained from living organisms. Types of Raw Materials: Metallic ores: Minerals that contain valuable metals, such as copper, gold, iron, and aluminum. Non-metallic minerals: Minerals that do not […]

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Sure, here’s the definition of capital: Capital is the money and other assets used to produce goods and services within a country. It includes such assets as land, factories, equipment, tools, and inventory. Capital can also refer to the financial assets used by companies to generate revenue, such as stocks and bonds. Here are some […]

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Current Transfers

Current Transfers Current transfers are financial transactions that involve the movement of money between accounts or bank deposits in the same bank or different banks on the same day. They typically occur when funds are transferred electronically or through mobile banking applications. Types of Current Transfers: Electronic Fund Transfers (EFTs): Transfers of money between accounts […]

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Turnaround A turnaround is a strategy to reverse a company’s decline or improve its performance. It typically involves a comprehensive plan to address the company’s weaknesses and restore its competitive advantage. Key Elements of a Turnaround: 1. Diagnosis: Identifying the root causes of the company’s problems and assessing its current financial state.2. Restructuring: Making necessary […]

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Ceteris Paribus

Sure, here is the meaning of “ceteris paribus”: Ceteris paribus is a Latin phrase that means “other things being equal.” In other words, it is a phrase used to emphasize that certain factors are being held constant while other factors are varied in an experiment or analysis. Example: “The effect of caffeine on alertness is […]

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Soft Landing

Definition: A soft landing is a technique in aviation that involves landing an aircraft smoothly on the ground without exceeding the aircraft’s speed or damaging its landing gear. Process: Flaps Down: Flaps are extended to increase lift and reduce drag, improving the aircraft’s maneuverability and low-speed stability. Smooth Power Reduction: The pilot smoothly reduces the […]

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Nafed, National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation Of India Ltd

NAFED – National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd. The National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Limited (NAFED) is a apex body of 16 State Cooperative Marketing Federations (SCMFs) and 5 Central Cooperative Marketing Federations (CCMFs) in India. Established in 1952, NAFED is a leading organization in the agricultural marketing sector, promoting the […]

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Definition: Emigration is the act of leaving one’s home country to permanently relocate to another country. It is a voluntary movement of people from one country to another, usually seeking better economic opportunities, political asylum, or other reasons. Types of emigration: Forced emigration: Occurs when a government compels its citizens to leave their home country. […]

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The word “scrip” is a word meaning “letter” in Old English. It is also used in the sense of a document, such as a bill or a treaty. The word “script” is a word that is derived from the same root as “scrip.”

1 min read

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