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Freudian Motivation Theory

Freudian Motivation Theory Freudian motivation theory, developed by Sigmund Freud in the late 19th century, is a psychoanalytic theory that emphasizes the role of unconscious processes in motivation. According to Freud, motivation is driven by three fundamental instincts: id, ego, and superego. Id:– The id is the primitive, instinctual part of the personality that is […]

2 mins read

Moral Hazard

Moral hazard is a situation in which one party to a transaction can take actions that affect the outcome of the transaction, but the other party cannot observe or control those actions. This can lead to moral hazard problems, in which one party may take actions that are not in the best interests of the […]

2 mins read

Inflationary Gap

Definition: The inflationary gap is the difference between the rate of inflation (the rate of increase in prices) and the rate of economic growth. Explanation: Positive inflationary gap: When inflation is higher than economic growth, it is said to have a positive inflationary gap. Negative inflationary gap: When inflation is lower than economic growth, it […]

1 min read

Variance Inflation Factor

The variance inflation factor (VIF) is a measure of how much the variance of a coefficient in a multiple regression model is inflated due to the presence of perfect collinearity among the independent variables. Formula: VIF = 1 + n * Rยฒ where: VIF is the variance inflation factor n is the number of independent […]

1 min read


Definition: Seasonality is a phenomenon that describes the variations in various natural and human phenomena that occur across distinct seasons of the year. Key Concepts: Annual Cycle: Seasonal variations occur over the course of a year, typically in relation to factors such as climate, plant growth, animal behavior, and human activities. Tropics: In the tropics, […]

2 mins read

Gross National Product (Gnp)

Gross national product (GNP) is a measure of a country’s total output of goods and services in a particular period of time. It includes all domestic and foreign production and is used to track a country’s economic health. Here’s a breakdown of GNP key points: Definition:– GNP is the sum of all goods and services […]

2 mins read

Human Capital

Definition: Human capital is a fundamental asset of a nation that consists of the knowledge, skills, abilities, and health of its people. It is an intangible asset that includes factors such as education, training, experience, and innate abilities. Key Components: Education: Formal or informal learning experiences that impart knowledge, skills, and abilities. Skills: Acquired abilities […]

2 mins read


Sure, the meaning of the word “disbursement” is: Disbursement: The act of distributing money or other assets to someone. It is also the amount of money given to someone as payment or settlement. Here are some examples of usage: The company issued a disbursement of funds to all employees. The government made a disbursement of […]

1 min read

Bill Of Entry

A bill of entry is a document that formally declares the entry of goods into a country. It is usually required by customs authorities as a part of the customs clearance process. Components of a bill of entry: Name of the importer: The name of the importer who is bringing the goods into the country. […]

1 min read


exports is a special keyword in JavaScript that is used to define a module’s exports. It is a read-only object that contains the properties that are exposed by the module to the global scope. Syntax: exports = { // Properties: prop1: value1, prop2: value2, …}; Example: exports = { name: ‘John Doe’, age: 30, sayHello: […]

1 min read

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