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Factor Market

The factor market is the market for factors of production, which are the inputs used in the production of goods and services. The main factors of production are land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship. Land Land is a natural resource used to produce goods and services. It includes factors such as fertile soil, minerals, water, and […]

1 min read

Standard Of Living

Standard of Living The standard of living refers to the overall well-being, quality of life, and level of material affluence enjoyed by a particular group or individual. It encompasses various factors, including income, wealth, housing, healthcare, education, and access to resources. Indicators of a High Standard of Living: High income: Having a sufficient income to […]

2 mins read

Derived Demand

Derived Demand Derived demand refers to the demand for a good or service that is influenced by the demand for another good or service. In other words, the demand for one good or service affects the demand for the other good or service. Example: The demand for gasoline is derived demand because it is influenced […]

1 min read

Over The Top (Ott )

The phrase “over the top OTT” is a common phrase used to describe a service or product that is excessive or over-the-top. Definition: Over-the-top (OTT): A term used to describe streaming services, such as Netflix, Hulu, or Disney+, that offer a wide variety of content, including movies, TV shows, and games, directly over the internet. […]

1 min read

Business Ecosystem

Business Ecosystem A business ecosystem is a network of organizations, individuals, and technology that interact with each other to create, deliver, and capture value. It includes the organization itself, its customers, suppliers, partners, and competitors. Key Components of a Business Ecosystem: Organization: The focal point of the ecosystem, responsible for producing and delivering value. Customers: […]

1 min read


Outplacement Outplacement is a service that helps employees who are being terminated or laid off find new jobs. It typically includes the following services: Job search assistance: Providing job search resources, resume and cover letter writing, and interview preparation. Career counseling: Helping employees identify their skills, interests, and career goals. Networking and referrals: Connecting employees […]

1 min read

Import Duty

The import statement is used to import the duty module from the Python library. The duty module provides functions for calculating duties on goods. Here is an example of how to import the duty module: pythonimport duty Once the module is imported, you can use the functions provided by the duty module: pythonduty.calculate_duty(price, country) where: […]

1 min read

Frictional Unemployment

Frictional Unemployment Frictional unemployment, also known as churning unemployment, is the type of unemployment that results from the mismatch between the skills and abilities of job seekers and the skills and requirements of available jobs. It occurs when there are more job seekers than available jobs, and those job seekers are not able to find […]

2 mins read

Indifference Curve

An indifference curve is a graphical representation that plots two goods or services at the points where the consumer is indifferent between them. It is a curve that shows the relationship between two goods that a consumer is willing to buy at the same price and quantity. Indifference curves are typically downward sloping and convex […]

2 mins read


A price taker is a firm that is so small that it has little or no influence on the market price of its product. This is because the firm’s demand curve is perfectly elastic, meaning that it can sell all of its output at the market price. Characteristics of a price taker: Small size: The […]

1 min read

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