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Keiretsu Explained Keiretsu, pronounced “keh-reh-tsu,” is a Japanese term that refers to a loosely knit association of businesses and industrial enterprises that often cooperate in a variety of ways. These associations are typically dominant in specific industries and play an important role in the Japanese economy. Key Features: Loosely knit: Keiretsu members are not necessarily […]

1 min read

Liquidity Trap

Liquidity Trap A liquidity trap is a situation in which a market is so illiquid that it is difficult to trade a security at a particular price. This is typically caused by a lack of market participants willing to buy or sell the security at that price. Causes of Liquidity Traps: Low market volume: When […]

2 mins read


Emolument is a term used in UK employment law to describe wages. It is sometimes also used to describe salaries in other countries, though the term is less common in the US. Here are some examples of how the word “emolument” can be used: “The employee’s emolument is ยฃ20 per hour.” “The employer agreed to […]

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E Sampark

Sampark is a social media platform that primarily caters to the Telugu-speaking community in the Indian diaspora. It is a popular platform for: 1. Community Building:– Sampark has a large active community of Telugu people from around the world.- It provides a space for users to connect, share their experiences, and engage in discussions in […]

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Nominal is a type of variable that is not quantifiable by numerical values. Instead, they are categorized into labels or categories. Examples of nominal variables include gender, blood group, and occupation. Key characteristics of nominal variables: Categorical: Values are grouped into categories or labels. Non-numeric: Cannot be arranged in numerical order. Discrete: Values can only […]

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Dopt,Department Of Personnel And Training

The Department of Personnel and Training (DOPT) is a department within the Indian government responsible for managing the human resource (HR) function for the Indian bureaucracy. It is under the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions. Key responsibilities: Recruitment: Handling recruitment of civil servants through various examinations, including the Indian Civil Service Examination (ICSE) […]

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Definition: A cyclical stock is a company whose stock price fluctuates primarily in sync with the business cycle, typically in the same direction as the overall economy. Characteristics: High sensitivity to economic fluctuations: Cyclical stocks are particularly sensitive to changes in economic activity, such as changes in consumer spending, industrial demand, and interest rates. Typically […]

2 mins read


Hyperinflation Hyperinflation is a rapid, uncontrollable increase in the rate of inflation. It generally refers to an annual inflation rate of 50% or more. Causes of Hyperinflation: Excessive money creation: When a country creates too much money, it can lead to a surge in demand for goods and services, driving up inflation. Supply chain disruptions: […]

1 min read

Moral Suasion

Moral suasion is a form of persuasion that seeks to influence others by appealing to their moral beliefs. It is a persuasive strategy that aims to convince someone to adopt a particular course of action or belief by appealing to their sense of right and wrong, morality, or virtue. Key Concepts: Moral beliefs: Personal values […]

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Definition:Dispersion is the spreading out of light waves as they pass through a prism or other optical device. Mechanism:When light waves pass through a prism, they are refracted (bent) differently according to their wavelengths. Shorter wavelengths (blue light) are refracted more than longer wavelengths (red light). This spreading out of light waves is known as […]

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