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Subvention,Subvention Meaning

Subvention is a financial assistance provided by the government or other organization to an individual or company, typically in the form of a payment or tax reduction. It is a policy designed to encourage particular behavior or industry growth. Subvention meaning: Subvention: Financial assistance provided by a government or organization to individuals or businesses. Subvention: […]

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Definition: Zoning is a land use planning process that divides a city or town into different zones or districts, each with its own set of regulations for development. These regulations cover various aspects of land use, including allowable uses, density, setbacks, and building heights. Purpose: To promote orderly growth and development: Zoning helps to ensure […]

2 mins read

Social Economics

Social Economics Social economics is a branch of economics that examines the relationship between economic behavior and social outcomes. It seeks to understand how economic factors influence social processes and how social factors shape economic outcomes. Key Concepts: 1. Social Choice: The study of collective decision-making processes, such as voting, taxation, and regulation. 2. Labor […]

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Breach Of Contract

Breach of Contract Definition: A breach of contract occurs when one party to a contract fails to fulfill its obligations as agreed upon in the contract. This can be due to various factors, such as failure to provide goods or services as promised, failure to meet deadlines, or making improper modifications to the contract. Elements […]

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Broad Money

Definition: Broad money is a measure of the money supply that includes all forms of money that are in circulation, regardless of their legal tender status. It includes: Currency: Legal tender issued by a central bank. Deposits: Money stored in banks and other financial institutions. Money market funds: Instruments that are traded in the money […]

1 min read

Silk Route

The Silk Route The Silk Route, also known as the Silk Road, was a network of trade routes that connected China to the Mediterranean world from the 2nd millennium BC to the 15th century AD. It played a pivotal role in facilitating trade, cultural exchange, and the spread of ideas between the East and West. […]

2 mins read


The word “lokayukta” is not present in the English language. It is a word in Sanskrit. Lokayukta in Sanskrit: Lokayukta means “fit for the people” or “conducive to well-being” in Sanskrit. It is often used to describe actions or policies that are beneficial to the common people. Equivalent English words: Beneficial Helpful Promising Incline Favorable […]

1 min read


Regression is a type of supervised learning algorithm that models the relationship between input variables (features) and their corresponding outputs. It is a linear modeling technique that estimates the values of a continuous variable based on the values of other variables. Types of Regression: Ordinary Least Squares (OLS): The most common type of regression, where […]

2 mins read

Minimum Support Price (Msp)

The minimum support price (MSP) is a term used in technical analysis to describe the lowest price level at which a security is expected to find support and reverse direction. It is calculated by subtracting the average true range (ATR) from the current price. Formula for Minimum Support Price (MSP): MSP = Current Price – […]

1 min read

Expansionary Fiscal Policy

Expansionary Fiscal Policy Expansionary fiscal policy refers to a set of government policies that aim to increase aggregate demand by increasing government spending or reducing taxes. Key Components of Expansionary Fiscal Policy: 1. Increase Government Spending:– Allocates more funds to infrastructure projects, social programs, or military spending.- Creates additional demand for goods and services. 2. […]

1 min read

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