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Mathematical Economics

Mathematical economics is a subfield of economics that focuses on applying mathematical techniques to analyze economic models and problems. It draws on tools from various disciplines, including: Key concepts: Modeling: Mathematical economists create mathematical models that describe economic behavior, often using tools like differential equations, linear algebra, game theory, and statistics. Analysis: These models are […]

2 mins read


Expropriation is the act of taking private property from its owner by the state or other government agency. Types of Expropriation: Public purpose: When land is taken for a public purpose, such as building roads, parks, or schools. Private purpose: When land is taken for a private purpose, such as for industrial development or housing. […]

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Capitalism Capitalism is a fundamental economic system characterized by private ownership and the means of production. Its defining principles include: Private Ownership:– The means of production, such as land, factories, and equipment, are privately owned by individuals or corporations. Competition:– Firms compete with each other in open markets for customers and profit. Supply and Demand:– […]

2 mins read

Elasticity Of Demand

Elasticity of Demand The elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in the price of a good. It is a measure of the degree to which the quantity demanded changes in response to changes in the price. Formula: Elasticity of Demand (e) = % Change in Quantity Demanded / % Change […]

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Balance Of Payments (Bop)

Balance of Payments (BoP) The balance of payments (BoP) is an accounting statement that summarizes all economic flows between a country and the rest of the world in a particular period. It includes all payments and receipts for goods, services, investment, and transfers. Components of BoP: 1. Current Account:– Exports and imports of goods and […]

1 min read

Free Market

Definition: A free market is an economic system in which prices are determined by supply and demand, rather than by a central authority. In a free market, there are no fixed prices, instead, prices fluctuate based on the interplay of supply and demand. Key Features of a Free Market: 1. Private Ownership: Ownership and production […]

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Definition: Inchoate means in the early stages of development or growth, not fully formed or developed. Synonyms: Primitive Rudimentary Unfinished Incomplete Imperfect Antonyms: Mature Fully formed Complete Developed Perfect Usage: The embryo is in an inchoate stage of development. The plant is still inchoate, with only a few leaves. The painting is still inchoate, with […]

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Human Development Index,Hdi

The Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite index that measures human development by tracking life expectancy, education attainment, and per-capita income. It is a widely used metric to assess the well-being and development of countries. Components of the Human Development Index: Life Expectancy Index (LEI): Measures average life expectancy at birth. Education Index (EI): […]

1 min read

Gdp Growth Rate

The GDP growth rate is a key indicator of a country’s economic growth and is measured by the percentage change in a country’s GDP between two consecutive quarters. A country’s GDP growth rate is important because it provides insights into the overall strength of its economy relative to other countries and serves as a gauge […]

2 mins read

Money Laundering

Definition: Money laundering is the process of disguising the proceeds of illegal activities, such as drug trafficking, corruption, and fraud, to make them appear legitimate. It involves a series of complex and clandestine transactions designed to conceal the true origin and ownership of the money. Types of Money Laundering: Structuring: Breaking down large amounts of […]

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