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What Is Association Of Persons (Aops)?

Definition: Association of persons is a group of individuals who come together to form a collective entity for a specific purpose. It is a voluntary grouping of people who share similar interests, goals, or objectives. Types of Associations: Formal Associations: Established organizations with a formal structure, bylaws, and membership criteria. Examples include professional associations, social […]

1 min read

Poverty Trap

Definition: The poverty trap is a condition in which people are trapped in a cycle of poverty due to various factors, including low education, lack of job skills, limited access to resources, and social stigma. Causes: Low education and job skills: Lack of education and training opportunities lead to low wages and limited job prospects. […]

2 mins read


A petition is a document signed by a group of people that asks a particular person or organization to do something or to take a particular action. The basic components of a petition: Petition header: This includes the petition title, the name of the petitioner(s), and the date of the petition. Petition body: This states […]

1 min read

Random Variable

Sure, here’s a definition of a random variable: Random variable: A function that assigns a numerical value to each outcome of a random experiment. Formal definition:A random variable is a function from the sample space S of an experiment to the set of real numbers R. A random variable is represented by a letter like […]

1 min read


Macroeconomics Macroeconomics is a branch of economics that studies the overall economy of a country or a group of countries. It focuses on factors that affect the entire economy, such as aggregate demand, inflation, unemployment, and economic growth. Key Concepts: Aggregate Demand: Total spending on goods, services, and investment in a country.Inflation: General increase in […]

1 min read

Cash Reserve Ratio (Crr)

The cash reserve ratio (CRR) is a measure of how much money banks must hold in reserve against their deposits. It is a key measure of liquidity and is used to ensure that banks have enough money on hand to meet their depositors’ needs. Formula: Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) = Cash on Hand/Total Deposits Explanation: […]

1 min read


Dumping is a term used in software engineering to describe the process of transferring large amounts of source code from one software project to another. This is often done when a project is migrated to a new platform or framework, or when a team of developers is disbanded. Common reasons for dumping code: Project migration: […]

2 mins read

Goldilocks Economy

The Goldilocks Economy is a term used in economics to describe a hypothetical economy that is just right, neither too hot nor too cold. In other words, it is an economy that is in a stable equilibrium, with just the right amount of growth, inflation, and unemployment. Key Features of a Goldilocks Economy: Moderate growth: […]

1 min read


The word “quota” has multiple meanings. Here are the most common ones: 1. Share of a group:– Quota can refer to a group’s share of something, such as a share of a company’s stock or a share of a quota for a particular product. 2. Allocated amount:– Quota can also refer to an allocated amount […]

1 min read

Fixed Exchange Rate

A fixed exchange rate is a type of exchange rate system in which the value of one currency is fixed in relation to another currency, or a basket of currencies, by the intervention of the central bank. This means that the exchange rate between the two currencies will not fluctuate freely, but will instead be […]

1 min read

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