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Definition: Arrraignment is the first court hearing where a defendant formally appears before a judge and is read the charges against them. It is a procedural step in which the formal legal process begins. Purpose: To inform the defendant of the charges: The prosecutor reads the charges to the defendant and explains the nature of […]

1 min read

Economic Growth Rate

Economic growth rate is a measure of how quickly a country’s GDP is increasing. It is typically measured as a percentage and is a key indicator of a country’s overall economic performance. Formula: Economic growth rate = (GDP at current prices in the current year – GDP at current prices in the previous year) / […]

1 min read


Definition: Deflation is a general decrease in prices and wages, accompanied by a decline in overall economic activity. It is the opposite of inflation. Causes: Demand-pull deflation: Occurs when aggregate demand decreases, leading to a decline in prices. Cost-push deflation: Occurs when production costs increase, but demand remains unchanged, leading to a decline in prices. […]

1 min read


Definition: Subsidy is a payment made by a government or other organization to a person or corporation to encourage or discourage certain behavior. Types of Subsidies: Direct subsidies: Cash payments or other forms of direct financial assistance from the government to individuals or businesses. Indirect subsidies: Government actions that reduce the cost of production or […]

1 min read

Quantitative Easing

Quantitative Easing (QE) Quantitative easing (QE) is a set of unconventional monetary policy tools used by central banks to influence the overall economy by manipulating the supply of money and credit. Key Principles: Expansionary: QE aims to increase aggregate demand and economic growth. Asset Purchases: Central banks purchase large quantities of financial assets, such as […]

2 mins read

White Revolution

The White Revolution, also known as the Green Revolution, was a period of rapid agricultural development that occurred in South Korea between the mid-1950s and the early 1970s. It was characterized by the widespread adoption of new technologies and practices, including improved breeding techniques, fertilizers, insecticides, and mechanization. Here’s a breakdown of the key aspects […]

2 mins read

What Is Short Selling?

Sure, please tell me what you want me to write about “shorting.” I’m not sure if you’re referring to a specific topic or general information. Here are some potential interpretations of your request: 1. Shorting in Finance: – This could refer to various financial strategies involving betting against the price of a security. Could you […]

1 min read

Contempt Of Court

Contempt of Court Contempt of court is a legal offense that occurs when a person behaves in a way that disrupts the court’s ability to function properly or undermines its authority. It includes acts such as: Types of Contempt: Civil contempt: Actions that interfere with the court’s ability to carry out its functions, such as […]

2 mins read

Nominal Gdp

Nominal GDP (Gross Domestic Product) Nominal GDP is the total market value of all goods and services produced within a country’s borders in a particular year, at current market prices. It is a measure of a country’s total economic activity and is used as an indicator of its economic size and strength. Formula: Nominal GDP […]

2 mins read

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