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Reasonable Doubt

Meaning: Reasonable doubt is a legal concept that refers to a doubt that is “justifiable, based on the evidence, and not merely upon speculation or conjecture.” In other words, it is a doubt that is founded on solid grounds and not on wishful thinking or assumptions. Elements of Reasonable Doubt: Evidence: The evidence presented in […]

1 min read


The term “privatisation” is a complex one with different meanings depending on the context. Generally, it refers to the process of converting a public asset or service into a private company. There are different types of privatization, including: Complete privatization: In this case, the entire asset or service is sold to a private company. Partial […]

1 min read


Definition: Adjustment is the process of making changes to a variable or a set of variables to bring them into alignment with a desired standard or value. It is commonly used in various fields, including statistics, engineering, and science. Types of Adjustments: Linear adjustment: Involves making linear changes to the variable or variables to adjust […]

1 min read


Monoposony Monoposony is a market structure in which there is only one buyer. This means that the buyer has all the power in the market and can dictate prices. Key Features of Monoposony: Single buyer: There is only one buyer in the market. High buyer power: The buyer has the ability to influence prices and […]

1 min read

T Test

Definition: The t-test is a parametric statistical test that compares the means of two or more groups to determine whether there is a significant difference between them. It is commonly used in independent samples t-tests to compare the means of two groups and in paired samples t-tests to compare the means of two groups that […]

2 mins read


Definition: Condemnation is the act of formally declaring someone or something to be unacceptable, reprehensible, or deserving of punishment. Synonyms: Abhorrence Loathing Hate Scorn Repulsion Revulsion Antonyms: Approval Adulation Respect Esteem Favor Examples: The politician’s corruption was condemned by the public. The rotten food was condemned as a health hazard. The condemned prisoner pleaded for […]

1 min read

Expenditure Method

The expenditure method is one of the four methods used to record depreciation expense. Under this method, depreciation expense is recorded in the period the asset is purchased, rather than over its useful life. The expenditure method is used primarily for tangible assets, such as equipment and vehicles. It is not commonly used for intangible […]

1 min read


Scarcity is a fundamental concept in economics that refers to the limited availability of certain resources relative to their demand. It is a condition where there is not enough of a particular resource to satisfy the wants and needs of all people in a society. Key Features of Scarcity: Limited Resources: Resources such as land, […]

2 mins read

Permanent Income Hypothesis

Permanent Income Hypothesis The permanent income hypothesis is a theory in economics that suggests that people’s spending patterns are primarily influenced by their permanent income rather than their transitory income. Key Principles: Permanent Income: Permanent income refers to the income that is relatively stable and predictable over time, such as wages, pensions, and investments. Transitory […]

2 mins read

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