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Aggregate Demand

Aggregate Demand Aggregate demand is the total quantity of goods and services that consumers are willing and able to purchase at a given price level. It is a measure of overall demand in an economy. Components of Aggregate Demand: Consumer spending: The spending of households on goods and services. Investment: The spending by businesses on […]

1 min read


Bundling Bundling is a software development technique that combines multiple JavaScript modules into a single file. This is often done to reduce the number of HTTP requests that are made when a web page loads. Benefits of bundling: Reduced HTTP requests: Bundling reduces the number of HTTP requests that are made, which can improve page […]

1 min read

Bpl,Below Poverty Line

PLP (Poverty Line Percentage) Definition: The Poverty Line Percentage (PLP) is a measure of poverty that represents the percentage of people in a population living below a certain threshold of income or consumption. This threshold, known as the poverty line, is typically determined by a nation’s government based on its cost of living and economic […]

2 mins read

Pareto Improvement

Pareto Improvement Pareto improvement is a principle in optimization that states that the most effective way to improve a system is to focus on the factors that have the greatest impact. Named after the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, the Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, applies the principle to the distribution of resources […]

2 mins read

Foreign Exchange Reserves

Foreign Exchange Reserves (FX Reserves) Foreign exchange reserves (FX reserves) are the foreign currency assets held by a central bank as part of its foreign exchange reserves. These assets are used to influence exchange rates, maintain price stability, and provide foreign exchange liquidity. Components of FX Reserves: Foreign Currency Deposits: Deposits in foreign banks or […]

2 mins read

Social Sciences

Social Sciences Social sciences are a set of academic disciplines that study human behavior, societies, and institutions. They encompass a wide range of topics, including: Major Fields: Anthropology: Study of humans, including their societies, cultures, languages, and biology. Economics: Study of how societies allocate resources and make economic decisions. Political Science: Study of government, political […]

1 min read

Classical Economics

Classical Economics Classical economics is a school of thought in economics that emphasizes the power of market mechanisms and individual choice. It is based on the principles of supply and demand, competition, and equilibrium. Key Concepts: Supply and Demand: The law of supply and demand determines the prices of goods and services. Competition: Competition among […]

1 min read


Definition: A subpoena is a legal document issued by a court or other authority requiring a person to appear in court or provide information. It is a compulsory order compelling the recipient to comply with the court’s request. Purposes: To gather evidence in a case. To compel witnesses to testify. To obtain documents and other […]

2 mins read

Ministry Of Rural Development

Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) in India The Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) is a major Indian ministry responsible for the overall development of the rural areas in the country. Its primary focus includes: Key areas: Agriculture: This includes schemes like Pradhan Mantri Krishi Vikas Yojana (PM-KISAN) and the National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA). […]

1 min read

World Economic Forum (Wef)

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is a nonprofit international organization committed to shaping the future of the world. Based in Geneva, Switzerland, it is a global leader in shaping global, industry, and societal agendas through its unique public-private sector partnerships. Key Activities: The Forum: Annual gathering of top leaders from government, business, academia, and civil […]

2 mins read

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