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Misery Index

The misery index is a measure of human misery. It is calculated by adding the unemployment rate and the inflation rate, then subtracting the literacy rate. The higher the misery index, the greater the human misery. Formula: $$MI = 100 – (100 – UR) – (100 – IR) + LL$$ where: Interpretation: Examples: Factors Affecting […]

2 mins read

Niti Aayog

Initiating the Aayog: Step 1: Define the Purpose:– Clearly articulate the purpose of the Aayog, its goals, and objectives.- Consider the specific areas where the Aayog will focus. Step 2: Select Members:– Appoint members who are experts in their respective fields and have a strong understanding of the Aayog’s purpose.- Ensure diversity of thought and […]

3 mins read

Economic Calendar

An economic calendar is a tool that provides a chronological listing of key economic events and data releases that occur in a particular country or region. It helps economists, analysts, and investors stay informed about the latest economic developments. Key Components of an Economic Calendar: 1. Events:– Economic summits and meetings- Major policy announcements- Interest […]

3 mins read


Definition: Trade is the exchange of goods, services, and ideas between individuals, companies, or nations. It is a fundamental aspect of human interaction and plays a pivotal role in shaping global economies. Types of Trade: Major Components of Trade: Benefits of Trade: Challenges of Trade: Conclusion: Trade is an integral part of human commerce and […]

2 mins read


Consumerism is a sociocultural phenomenon that describes a way of life that emphasizes the acquisition and consumption of goods and services. It is characterized by the belief that happiness and satisfaction are primarily derived from material possessions and experiences. Key Concepts: Examples: Positive and Negative Aspects: Critique: Consumerism has been criticized for its emphasis on […]

2 mins read

Natural Monopoly

A natural monopoly is a market structure in which there is a single firm that controls the majority of the market share and has the ability to dictate prices and terms of trade. This firm usually has such a dominant position due to its superior technological infrastructure, economies of scale, or control over a unique […]

3 mins read

Consumer Protection Act 1986

The Consumer Protection Act (CPA) is a United States federal law that protects the consumer against fraud, deception, and unfair business practices. It applies to all businesses that engage in commerce within the United States, regardless of their size. Key provisions of the CPA: Major amendments to the CPA: Enforcement: The CPA is enforced by […]

3 mins read

Adverse Selection

Adverse selection is a problem that occurs when one party to a transaction has more information than the other party and uses that information to take advantage of the other party. Explanation: Examples: Solutions: Additional Notes: FAQs

3 mins read

Prima Facie

Prima facie is a Latin phrase that translates to “at first glance” or “on its face.” It is used in law and other contexts to describe a situation or evidence as appearing to be true or genuine on its face, without further investigation. For example, in a legal case, a prosecutor may say that the […]

2 mins read

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