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Sure, “supranational” is a term used to describe objects or organizations that are larger than a single nation. Here is the definition: Supranational: A term used to describe institutions or organizations that operate above the level of a nation state. Examples: The United Nations The World Trade Organization The International Criminal Court Key points: Supra-national […]

1 min read


Sure, here is the definition of bullion: Bullion is a term used to describe large, rough blocks of precious metal, usually gold, silver, or platinum, that are bought and sold primarily for their metal content. Bullion is often used as a store of value and as a means of payment.

1 min read

Sfio, Serious Fraud Investigation Office

Sfio Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) The Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) is a specialized agency within the South African Police Service responsible for investigating serious corruption and fraud offenses. Established in 1995, it is a highly specialized unit focused on tackling complex and large-scale corruption and fraud cases. Key Functions: Investigate and prosecute complex […]

1 min read

Finance Bill

A finance bill is a document that describes a loan or other financial arrangement and specifies the terms and conditions of repayment. Here are the key elements of a finance bill: Basic Information: Borrower’s name: The name of the person who is borrowing money. Lender’s name: The name of the bank or other lender. Loan […]

1 min read

Free Market Capitalism (Fmc)

Free Market Capitalism (FMC) Free market capitalism, also known as laissez-faire capitalism, is a type of economic system in which private ownership and free market principles guide the majority of economic activity. Key Principles of Free Market Capitalism: 1. Private Ownership: Property and business ownership are private, not controlled by the government. 2. Free Markets: […]

2 mins read

Economically Weaker Section,Ews

The economically weaker section of the society, commonly known as the underprivileged, faces a multitude of challenges that disproportionately impact their well-being and limit their opportunities for advancement. Key factors contributing to their economic vulnerability: Limited access to education: Lack of access to quality education and financial resources for tuition fees often trap individuals in […]

2 mins read

Cost Of Goods Sold

Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) is a measure of the cost of raw materials and finished goods that are used in the production and sale of goods. It includes the cost of materials, labor, and factory overhead. Formula: Cost of Goods Sold = Beginning Inventory + Purchases – Ending Inventory Components of Cost of Goods […]

1 min read

Financial Economics

Financial Economics Financial economics is a branch of economics that studies the relationship between financial markets and economic activity. It is a field that draws on principles from mathematics, statistics, economics, and computer science to understand and predict financial behavior. Key Concepts: 1. Financial Markets:– Markets where financial assets, such as stocks, bonds, derivatives, and […]

2 mins read

Financial System

Definition: The financial system is a complex network of institutions, markets, and individuals that facilitate the flow of money and credit. It plays a crucial role in the overall economy by facilitating financial transactions, providing access to credit, and managing risk. Components: Central Banks: National authorities that regulate the overall financial system and control monetary […]

2 mins read

Autonomous Expenditure

Sure, here’s what “autonomous expenditure” means: Autonomous expenditure refers to spending on goods and services that are not closely tied to a firm’s production activities. Examples include spending on consumer goods such as durable goods, non-durable goods, and services. In other words: It is spending on items that are not directly related to the firm’s […]

1 min read

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