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Neoliberalism is a dominant economic ideology that advocates for free markets, private ownership, and limited government intervention. It is rooted in the principles of liberalism and emphasizes individual liberty, competition, and market efficiency. Key Principles of Neoliberalism: Examples of Neoliberal Policies: Arguments in Favor of Neoliberalism: Arguments Against Neoliberalism: Overall, neoliberalism is a complex and […]

2 mins read


Cash is a type of currency that is physical, not digitized. It is usually made up of coins and bills. Here are some of the key features of cash: Here are some examples of cash: Cash has been used by humans for thousands of years. It is a convenient and easy way to exchange money. […]

2 mins read

Pareto Efficiency

Pareto efficiency is an economic concept that describes a situation where resources are allocated in a way that maximizes the overall well-being of a group of individuals, with no one individual being able to gain more well-being without sacrificing the well-being of another individual. Key principles: Applications: Examples: Challenges: Overall: Pareto efficiency is a fundamental […]

2 mins read

Brain Drain

Brain drain refers to the phenomenon of highly educated and skilled individuals emigrating from their home countries to other countries in search of better economic opportunities, career advancement, and improved living conditions. Causes of Brain Drain: Impact of Brain Drain: Examples: Solutions: Conclusion: Brain drain is a complex phenomenon that has a significant impact on […]

3 mins read

Perturbed Perturbation

Perturbed perturbation theory is a technique in mathematics that extends perturbation theory to systems that are perturbed from a known equilibrium. It is a powerful tool for analyzing a wide variety of problems in physics, including classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and thermodynamics. Basic Idea: Perturbed perturbation theory assumes that a system can be described by […]

3 mins read

Digital India Programme

The Digital India Programme is a flagship initiative of the Indian government aimed at harnessing the power of technology to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. Launched in 2015, the program encompasses various initiatives across various sectors, including: Key objectives: Major initiatives: Challenges: Despite its ambitious goals, the Digital India Programme […]

3 mins read

Primary Deficit

A primary deficit occurs when the government’s expenditures exceed its revenues. This means that the government is spending more money than it is taking in, and it must borrow money from the private sector to cover the shortfall. Causes of Primary Deficit: Impact of Primary Deficit: Examples: Options to Reduce Primary Deficit: Conclusion: A primary […]

3 mins read


Bureaucracy is a complex and multifaceted concept, often referred to as the “politics of administration.” It refers to the organizational structures, rules, procedures, and processes that govern public and private institutions. Key Features of Bureaucracy: Examples of Bureaucracy: Advantages: Disadvantages: Conclusion: Bureaucracy is a complex organizational phenomenon that encompasses a wide range of aspects related […]

3 mins read

Special Drawing Rights (SDR)

Special Drawing Rights (SDR) are a special drawing privilege granted to certain countries to reflect their unique economic circumstances. This privilege allows these countries to draw additional allocations of International Monetary Fund (IMF) quota shares beyond their normal quota entitlement. Here’s a breakdown of key points regarding SDRs: Participating countries: Additional allocations: Eligibility: Impact: Recent […]

3 mins read

Marginal Rate Of Technical Substitution

The marginal rate of technical substitution (MRTS) is a measure of the rate at which one input can be substituted for another input, while keeping the production function unchanged. It is calculated by the ratio of the marginal product of each input with respect to the other input. The marginal product of an input measures […]

1 min read

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