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Coase Theorem

Coase Theorem The Coase theorem is a fundamental concept in economics that describes the relationship between property rights and externalities. It states that in the absence of transaction costs, the optimal allocation of property rights will result in a situation where externalities are minimized. Key Principles: Transaction Costs: The costs associated with setting up and […]

2 mins read


Accretion Accretion is the process of matter accumulating on a celestial body, such as a star, planet, or black hole. It is caused by the gravitational attraction between the object and the accreting matter. Mechanism: Gravitational Attraction: The object’s gravity pulls the accreting matter towards itself. Magnetic Fields: If the object has a magnetic field, […]

1 min read

Systematic Sampling

Systematic Sampling Systematic sampling is a probability sampling method that involves selecting samples at regular intervals from a population. This method is also known as spaced-sample selection or quasi-random sampling. Procedure: Select a sampling frame: Create a list of all elements in the population. Determine the interval: Calculate the interval size, which is the number […]

2 mins read

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