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Spoofing is the act of manipulating network traffic in such a way as to deceive a computer user or network device. It involves disguising the source of a message or signal to appear to be from a different source. Spoofing can be used for a variety of purposes, including: Types of Spoofing: IP spoofing: Modifies […]

1 min read

Unauthorised Insurer

An unauthorized insurer is one that operates without the proper licenses and authorization from a particular country or state. Such insurers typically engage in fraudulent practices and exploit unsuspecting individuals. Here’s a breakdown of the key points: Types of Unauthorized Insurers: Pop-up insurers: These are fake insurance companies that operate for a short period, often […]

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Definition: Phishing is a type of social engineering attack where a malicious actor tricks individuals into divulging sensitive information, such as passwords, emails, or financial details, by disguising themselves as a trusted entity. Types of Phishing: Email Phishing: Scammers send emails posing as legitimate organizations, asking for sensitive information such as passwords, credit card numbers, […]

2 mins read

Fake Claims

Definition: Fake claims are statements that are not based on fact, truth, or evidence and are intentionally misleading or deceitful. They are often made to promote a particular agenda, deceive others, or gain personal gain. Examples: Medical claims: Promoting unproven cures or remedies based on false medical information. Scientific claims: Making claims about scientific phenomena […]

1 min read

Ndnc Registry

ndnc registry stands for National Do Not Call Registry. It is a registry maintained by the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that lists telephone numbers that have opted out of receiving unsolicited telemarketing calls. Purpose: To protect consumers from unwanted telemarketing calls. To provide a way for consumers to opt out of unsolicited telemarketing […]

1 min read

White Collar Crime

Definition: White-collar crime, also known as nonviolent crime, is a type of crime that involves deception and violation of laws related to business and financial transactions rather than violence. It encompasses a wide range of offenses, including: Types of White-collar Crimes: Fraud: Misappropriation of funds through deception, such as Ponzi schemes, embezzlement, and securities fraud. […]

2 mins read

Online Shoplifting

Online Shoplifting Online shoplifting, also known as cybertheft or electronic forgery, is the act of fraudulently obtaining goods or services from an online store using various techniques. It involves exploiting vulnerabilities in online systems, manipulating payment information, and exploiting weak security measures. Types of Online Shoplifting: Credit Card Fraud: Utilizing stolen credit card numbers to […]

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Definition: Fraud is an illegal act that involves deception and often financial gain. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including forgery, embezzlement, fraud by false representation, and identity theft. Types of Fraud: Embezzlement: Misappropriation of funds or assets entrusted to an individual or organization. Forgery: Creating fraudulent documents, such as checks, invoices, and passports. […]

2 mins read


Definition: Jitter is a phenomenon in which the timing of a signal, such as a clock signal, varies slightly over time. It is characterized by the range of deviation from the ideal timing. Causes: Clock jitter: Caused by variations in the frequency or phase of the clock signal. Parasitic capacitance: Coupling of electrical signals to […]

1 min read

Insurance Fraud

Definition: Insurance fraud is the act of making false or misleading statements to obtain insurance benefits or payments. It involves various schemes and practices that aim to deceive insurance companies and obtain illegitimate gains. Types of Insurance Fraud: Auto Fraud: Staging accidents, altering vehicle damage reports, and submitting false claims for auto repairs. Property Fraud: […]

2 mins read

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