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Definition: Revenue is the total amount of money generated by a company’s operations during a particular accounting period. It is usually the main source of income for a company and is recorded in the company’s accounting records as an increase in assets. Key Points: Definition: Revenue is the total amount of money generated by a […]

1 min read

Balance Sheet

Balance Sheet Assets Current assets: Cash, accounts receivable, inventory, prepaid expenses Long-term assets: Land, buildings, equipment, investments Liabilities Current liabilities: Accounts payable, short-term debt, current portion of long-term debt Long-term liabilities: Long-term debt, bonds, pension liabilities Owner’s Equity Common stock Retained earnings Total Assets = Total Liabilities and Owner’s Equity Accounting Equation: Assets = Liabilities […]

1 min read

Mtd, Month Till Date

“`pythonimport pandas as pd Assuming you have a pandas DataFrame called ‘df’ Get the current month and date pd.to_datetime(pd.Timestamp.now()).month MTD (Month-Till-Date) till the current date mtd_till_date = df.groupby(‘month’).apply(lambda g: g.loc[g.index.min():])“` Explanation: pd.to_datetime(pd.Timestamp.now()).month: This line gets the current month as an integer. df.groupby(‘month’).apply(lambda g: g.loc[g.index.min():]): This line groups the DataFrame ‘df’ by the ‘month’ column and […]

1 min read

Impaired Asset

Definition: Impaired assets are assets that have been damaged, deteriorated, or become unusable in their intended use. These assets are usually recorded at their reduced fair value, with the decline in value being recorded as an impairment loss. Causes of Impairment: Physical damage or deterioration Changes in market conditions Technological obsolescence Obsolete or redundant technology […]

1 min read

Income Statement

Income Statement For the Year Ended [Date] Revenue:[List of revenue items]Total Revenue Cost of Goods Sold:[List of cost of goods sold items]Total Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit:Total Revenue – Total Cost of Goods Sold Operating Expenses:[List of operating expense items]Total Operating Expenses Income Before Taxes:Gross Profit – Total Operating Expenses Income Taxes:[List of income […]

1 min read

Current Liabilities

Current liabilities are short-term obligations that a company owes to its creditors or other creditors. Current liabilities include accounts payable, short-term loans, accrued expenses, and current portion of long-term debt. Current liabilities are important because they are used to generate revenue and to help the company maintain its liquidity. Accounts payable are amounts due to […]

1 min read

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