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Documentary Collection

A documentary collection is a group of documentary films grouped together for a specific purpose, such as showcasing a particular theme, genre, or filmmaker. Here are some examples of documentary collection themes: Here are some characteristics of documentary collections: Here are some examples of documentary collections: There are many different ways to classify and organize […]

3 mins read

Futures Strip

A futures strip is a type of derivative security that represents a series of consecutive futures contracts traded on the same underlying asset. It is a group of sequentially numbered futures contracts traded on the same commodity or financial instrument, covering a specific range of delivery dates. Characteristics: Components: Examples: Uses: Advantages: Disadvantages: FAQs

3 mins read

Against Actual

Sure, here’s the explanation of “against actual”: Against actual is a legal phrase used to describe situations where someone is acting in a way that is not just harmful to others but also physically dangerous, creating an imminent threat of harm. It emphasizes the potential for harm being caused by the act rather than the […]

1 min read

Delivery Point

Definition: A delivery point is the specific location where a package, letter, or other item is intended to be delivered. It is typically the recipient’s address, or a designated location within a building or complex. Examples: A residential address: 123 Main St., New York, NY 10001 A business address: 456 Oak Ave., Los Angeles, CA […]

1 min read

Delivery Trading

Delivery Trading Delivery trading is a type of trading that involves the physical transfer of assets from one party to another. In this type of trading, the asset is not traded on an exchange but rather through a bank or other financial institution. Key Features of Delivery Trading: Physical Asset Transfer: Assets are transferred physically […]

1 min read

Warehouse Receipt

Warehouse Receipt Date: [Date] Bill-to: [Company Name][Company Address] Ship-to: [Warehouse Name][Warehouse Address] Order No.: [Order Number] Invoice No.: [Invoice Number] Item No.: [Item Number]Item Description: [Item Description]Quantity: [Quantity]Unit Price: [Unit Price]Total Amount: [Total Amount] Description: [List of items received] Total Weight: [Total Weight]Total Cubic Feet: [Total Cubic Feet] Remarks: [Any additional information, such as special […]

1 min read

Grading Certificate

Grading Certificate Template Student’s Name: [Student’s Full Name]Course Name: [Course Name]Course Number: [Course Number]Semester: [Semester]Year: [Year] Grade: [Letter Grade]Grade Points: [Number of Grade Points]Comments: [Comments from Instructor] Grading Components: [List of Grading Components (e.g., Quizzes, Exams, Homework, Participation)] Weights for Each Component Grade Achieved for Each Component Overall Grade: Instructor’s Signature: [Instructor’s Signature]Date: [Date] Additional […]

1 min read


Definition: Actuals are the actual values or outcomes that have occurred or been realized. They are the actual figures, data, or measurements recorded or observed from a particular source or set of operations. Examples: Financial actuals: Revenue, expenses, assets, liabilities, and other financial data recorded in a company’s financial statements. Sales actuals: Number of units […]

1 min read

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