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Definition: Currency is a legal tender, commonly used to facilitate trade and payments, that is officially sanctioned by a particular country. It is a medium of exchange that is used to pay for goods, services, and debts. Key Features: Legal Tender: Currency is declared legal tender by the government of a country and is widely […]

2 mins read

Power Of Attorney

Power of Attorney A power of attorney (POA) is a legal document that authorizes one person (the attorney-in-fact) to act on behalf of another person (the principal). It is a legal designation of authority granted by one person to another to act in their stead. Types of Powers of Attorney: General Power of Attorney: Authorizes […]

2 mins read

Jai Jawan Jai Kisan

JAI jawan, Jai kisan, This slogan is a popular slogan in India that encapsulates the spirit of the country’s armed forces and agriculture, two pillars of the Indian economy and society. Meaning: Jai jawan: “Victory to the soldiers.” Jai kisan: “Victory to the farmers.” Significance: National pride: The slogan evokes a sense of national pride […]

1 min read

Budget Deficit

Definition: A budget deficit occurs when the government’s expenditures exceed its revenues. In other words, the government spends more money than it takes in. Causes: Increased spending: Higher government spending on programs such as social security, defense, or infrastructure. Decreased revenue: Lower tax revenue or other sources of income. Economic factors: Economic growth, inflation, and […]

1 min read


Anarchy Anarchy is a condition or state of complete lack of authority, control, or regulation. It is characterized by the absence of any government or other hierarchical structure. Key Concepts: Absence of Authority: There is no central authority or ruler to enforce order or make decisions. Mutual Non-Coercion: Individuals are free from external control and […]

2 mins read


Estoppel Estoppel is a legal principle that prohibits a person from making a statement that contradicts a previous statement made in a previous court case or transaction. Elements of Estoppel: Prior statement: The person must have made a prior statement that is contradicted by the current statement. Contradictory statement: The current statement must contradict the […]

1 min read


Neoliberalism Neoliberalism is a dominant economic ideology that advocates for free markets, private ownership, and limited government intervention. It is rooted in the principles of liberalism and emphasizes individual liberty, competition, and market efficiency. Key Principles of Neoliberalism: Private Property: Privatization of state-owned enterprises and the protection of private property rights. Market Competition: Promotion of […]

1 min read


Cash is a type of currency that is physical, not digitized. It is usually made up of coins and bills. Here are some of the key features of cash: Physical: Cash is tangible, so you can see and feel it. Fiat: Cash is not backed by a specific commodity, like gold. Instead, it is backed […]

1 min read

Food And Agriculture Organisation,Fao

The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to combat hunger and malnutrition and advance food security. Established in 1945, the FAO is the largest intergovernmental organization specializing in food and agriculture. Key Functions: Food Security: Fosters global food security by providing technical assistance, policies, […]

1 min read

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