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Bpl,Below Poverty Line

PLP (Poverty Line Percentage) Definition: The Poverty Line Percentage (PLP) is a measure of poverty that represents the percentage of people in a population living below a certain threshold of income or consumption. This threshold, known as the poverty line, is typically determined by a nation’s government based on its cost of living and economic […]

2 mins read


Definition: A subpoena is a legal document issued by a court or other authority requiring a person to appear in court or provide information. It is a compulsory order compelling the recipient to comply with the court’s request. Purposes: To gather evidence in a case. To compel witnesses to testify. To obtain documents and other […]

2 mins read

Ministry Of Rural Development

Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) in India The Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) is a major Indian ministry responsible for the overall development of the rural areas in the country. Its primary focus includes: Key areas: Agriculture: This includes schemes like Pradhan Mantri Krishi Vikas Yojana (PM-KISAN) and the National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA). […]

1 min read

Trade Deficit

Sure, here is the definition of trade deficit: Trade deficit: A situation where a country imports more goods and services than it exports in a particular time period. In other words, the country is spending more money on imports than it is earning from exports. If the country’s exports are greater than its imports, it […]

1 min read

Student Visa

Student Visa Requirements: The requirements for obtaining a student visa vary depending on the country you are applying from and the country where you are applying to. However, there are some general requirements that apply to most applicants: Eligibility: You must be a foreign national and not a citizen of the country you are applying […]

2 mins read


Sure, “supranational” is a term used to describe objects or organizations that are larger than a single nation. Here is the definition: Supranational: A term used to describe institutions or organizations that operate above the level of a nation state. Examples: The United Nations The World Trade Organization The International Criminal Court Key points: Supra-national […]

1 min read

Sfio, Serious Fraud Investigation Office

Sfio Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) The Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) is a specialized agency within the South African Police Service responsible for investigating serious corruption and fraud offenses. Established in 1995, it is a highly specialized unit focused on tackling complex and large-scale corruption and fraud cases. Key Functions: Investigate and prosecute complex […]

1 min read

Finance Bill

A finance bill is a document that describes a loan or other financial arrangement and specifies the terms and conditions of repayment. Here are the key elements of a finance bill: Basic Information: Borrower’s name: The name of the person who is borrowing money. Lender’s name: The name of the bank or other lender. Loan […]

1 min read

Economically Weaker Section,Ews

The economically weaker section of the society, commonly known as the underprivileged, faces a multitude of challenges that disproportionately impact their well-being and limit their opportunities for advancement. Key factors contributing to their economic vulnerability: Limited access to education: Lack of access to quality education and financial resources for tuition fees often trap individuals in […]

2 mins read

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