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Pli Scheme

PLI Scheme (Production Linked Incentive Scheme) The Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme is a flagship scheme introduced by the Indian government in Budget 2020-21 to attract investments and boost domestic production of key industries. It offers financial incentives to manufacturers and producers who undertake production of specified goods within India. Objectives: To attract large-scale manufacturing […]

1 min read

Iso 14000

ISO 14000 is an international standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that specifies requirements for an Environmental Management System (EMS). It helps organizations manage their environmental impacts by setting clear environmental goals, identifying the necessary actions to achieve those goals, and measuring progress towards their achievement. Key Principles of ISO 14001: Contextual […]

2 mins read


Libel is a legal action for defamation, which is the act of making false statements about someone that damage their reputation. Definition: Libel is a type of defamation that is made in writing or through other permanent written or visual media. It is a civil wrong that can give rise to a lawsuit. Elements of […]

3 mins read

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