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Rolling Returns

Rolling Returns Rolling returns is a technique in quantitative finance that calculates returns for a portfolio or security over a set of time periods, typically moving windows of time. This method allows investors to assess the performance of an asset or portfolio over different time horizons and provides a more dynamic view of its returns. […]

2 mins read


The word “value” itself carries a vast amount of meaning and interpretation. To give meaning to the word “value” in a more specific context, I would need additional information. Please provide me with the following: 1. What is the context in which you are using the word “value”? Is it in a general conversation, a […]

1 min read

Third Party

Definition: A third party is an organization or individual that is not directly involved in a transaction between two parties but has a vested interest or is affected by the transaction. Examples: Supplier: A supplier is a third party to a manufacturer and customer. The supplier provides raw materials or components to the manufacturer and […]

1 min read

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