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Copyright is a legal right that protects original works of authorship from unauthorized use and copying. Eligibility: Originality: The work must be original, meaning that it must be created independently by the author and not copied from another source. Fixation: The work must be fixed in a tangible medium of expression, such as writing, painting, […]

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Definition: Investment is the process of allocating funds, assets, or resources with the expectation of generating a return or profit in the future. It involves the commitment of capital to a long-term project or asset with the goal of increasing its value or generating income. Types of Investments: Equity investments: Include stocks and mutual funds […]

2 mins read

Long/Short Fund

Long-Short Funds Long-short funds are a type of hedge fund that uses a combination of long and short positions to generate returns. Investment Strategy: Long positions: Investors buy securities hoping that their prices will rise. Short positions: Investors borrow securities and sell them, hoping that their prices will fall. The net profit from long and […]

2 mins read


Decoupling Decoupling is a software design technique that separates a software module or component into smaller, independent modules or components. Each module is responsible for a specific task or domain, and they interact with each other through well-defined interfaces. Benefits of Decoupling: Increased modularity: Decoupling allows for the easy removal or replacement of individual modules […]

1 min read

Due Diligence

Due Diligence Due diligence is the process of gathering and analyzing information about a company or investment opportunity to assess its financial health, operational capabilities, and overall suitability for a particular investment. It is a comprehensive process that involves a variety of activities, including: Key Elements of Due Diligence: 1. Financial Analysis:– Reviewing financial statements […]

2 mins read

Grey Market

Grey Market The grey market refers to the unauthorized sale and distribution of goods, services, or intangible assets outside of the legal framework established by the government. These goods are typically obtained through illegal means, such as counterfeiting, piracy, or smuggling. Characteristics of Grey Market: Unlawful: Transactions in the grey market violate laws and regulations. […]

2 mins read


The load function in Python is used to import a module, a file containing Python code, from the file system. Syntax: pythonload(module_name) Parameters: module_name: The name of the module to be loaded. This can be a package or a Python module file. Example: “`python Import the math module import math Access functions from the math […]

1 min read


Sure, you’re probably referring to bonds, which are a type of investment security that represents a loan made by an investor to a government or corporation in return for interest payments. Here’s a breakdown of bonds for you: Types of Bonds: Treasury Bonds: Bonds issued by the U.S. government. They are considered safe and secure […]

2 mins read


Froth is a bubbly or foamy mixture produced by the aeration of a liquid by mechanical action or by chemical reaction. It can be created by a variety of processes, including the addition of air, the creation of friction, and the formation of chemical bubbles. Here are some key characteristics of froth: Gas content: Froth […]

1 min read

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