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Definition: Underweight refers to a condition where a person’s body mass index (BMI) is below the normal range for their height and age. A BMI of less than 18.5 is considered underweight. Causes: Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as anorexia nervosa, diabetes, and HIV/AIDS, can lead to weight loss. Dietary factors: Poor nutrition, restrictive […]

2 mins read

Bid Price

Bid Price The highest price a bidder is willing to pay for an asset or security in an auction or tender. It is the price that a bidder submits as a bid, hoping to win the auction or tender. Key Points: Bid price: The highest price a bidder is willing to pay. Maximum bid: The […]

1 min read

Sensex,Stock Exchange Sensitive Index

The Sensex (S&P Bombay Stock Exchange Sensitive Index) is an index that tracks the performance of large and liquid Indian stocks. It is one of the most widely tracked stock market indices in India and is often seen as a barometer of the overall health of the Indian economy. Key features: Sensitivity: The Sensex is […]

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Ad Infinitum

Definition: Ad infinitum is a Latin phrase that means “to infinity.” It is used to describe something that is boundless, limitless, or without bounds. Meaning: Boundless: Beyond any limit or boundary. Limitless: Without limit or bounds. Unbounded: Free from any restrictions or boundaries. Infinite: Extending indefinitely beyond any point or boundary. Examples: The number of […]

1 min read


Rating is a numerical or ordinal measure of the quality, value, or performance of something. It is a subjective assessment of something, often based on a particular set of criteria or standards. Types of Ratings: Numerical: A numerical rating is a numeric value assigned to an item to indicate its level of performance, quality, or […]

2 mins read

Promissory Estoppel

Promissory estoppel is a legal doctrine that prevents someone from making a promise that they will not keep. Elements of promissory estoppel: Promission: The promise made by the promisor. Acceptance: The promisor’s reliance on the promise. Misrepresentation: The promisor’s failure to disclose material facts about the promise. Unjust enrichment: The promisor’s gain from the promise. […]

1 min read

Property Rights

Property Rights Property rights are fundamental legal protections that define the ownership and use of property. They encompass a wide range of rights and responsibilities associated with the ownership and control of assets. The most common property rights include: 1. Ownership:– The right to own and control property as an individual or a group.- Includes […]

2 mins read

Capital Appreciation

Capital Appreciation Capital appreciation is the increase in the value of an asset over time. It is a type of investment that involves the purchase and sale of assets with the goal of generating profit from their appreciation. Types of Capital Appreciation: Real estate: Appreciation of property values. Stocks: Increase in stock prices. Bonds: Increase […]

2 mins read

Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental Analysis Fundamental analysis is a type of investment analysis that focuses on analyzing the intrinsic value of companies, industries, and the overall market. Investors who use fundamental analysis believe that the stock market is efficient and that prices reflect all available information. Key Principles of Fundamental Analysis: 1. Intrinsic Value:– Assessing a company’s true […]

2 mins read

Macro Environment

Macro Environment The macro environment refers to the overall economic and societal conditions that influence the behavior of individuals and businesses. It includes factors such as: Economic Factors: Gross domestic product (GDP): The total value of all goods and services produced within a country in a particular period. Inflation: The rate of increase in consumer […]

2 mins read

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