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Definition: A concession is a statement that acknowledges a point or argument made by the opposing side and agrees to acknowledge or consider it. It is a recognition of the validity of another person’s perspective or argument, even if it differs from your own. Purpose: To demonstrate respect for the opposing side. To acknowledge the […]

1 min read

Peer Group

Definition: A peer group is a group of individuals who are at a similar stage of development, have similar interests, and share similar values. Members of a peer group typically interact with each other regularly, offering support, advice, and social opportunities. Key Characteristics: Similarity: Members have similar ages, interests, values, and social backgrounds. Mutual influence: […]

1 min read

Asba, Applications Supported By Blocked Amount

Sure, here is the information about ASBA Applications Supported by Blocked Amount: Under the RBI guidelines, an application under the Agricultural Short-Term Bank Loan Scheme (ASBA) can be supported by blocked amount. However, certain conditions need to be met for the application to be valid. Eligibility: The applicant must be a cultivator and should have […]

2 mins read

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