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Definition: Divestiture is the process of a company selling a subsidiary or asset to another company. It is typically used to reduce the company’s size, eliminate non-core businesses, or raise capital. Reasons for Divestiture: To focus on core businesses: Companies may divest assets that are not core to their primary operations, allowing them to concentrate […]

1 min read


Definition: A buyout is a financial transaction in which a company is acquired privately by a group of investors, typically through a leveraged buyout (LBO). Key Concepts: Buyout target: A company that is being targeted for acquisition in a buyout. Buyout group: A group of investors who pool their resources to acquire a company. Leveraged […]

1 min read

Business Broker

Definition: A business broker is a professional who specializes in the sale and acquisition of businesses. They act as intermediaries between buyers and sellers, facilitating the entire transaction process. Responsibilities: Listing businesses: Brokers list businesses for sale, providing detailed descriptions, financial statements, and marketing materials. Finding buyers: Brokers search for potential buyers who meet the […]

2 mins read

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