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Feeder Fund

Definition: A feeder fund is an investment fund that invests primarily in another fund, known as the master fund or seed fund. Feeder funds are often used to gain access to the strategies and performance of the master fund. Types of Feeder Funds: Direct feeder funds: Invest directly in the master fund. Indirect feeder funds: […]

1 min read


Definition: A corpus is a large collection of text data, typically used for natural language processing (NLP) tasks. It is a fundamental element in many NLP applications, providing the necessary data for training models and evaluating their performance. Characteristics: Size: Corpora can range in size from a few thousand words to billions of words. Diversity: […]

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Fund Overlap

Fund Overlap Fund overlap occurs when two or more mutual funds have similar investment strategies, holdings, or managers. This can lead to duplication of effort and potentially impact fund performance. Causes of Fund Overlap: Similar Investment Strategies: Funds with similar investment styles may have overlapping holdings, even if they have different names or managers. Manager […]

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Income Fund

Income Fund An income fund is a type of mutual fund that primarily invests in income-producing assets such as bonds, government securities, and other debt instruments. The primary goal of an income fund is to generate a steady stream of income for investors, rather than capital appreciation. Types of Income Funds: Bond Funds: Invest primarily […]

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Diversified Fund

Definition: A diversified fund is a type of mutual fund that invests in a wide range of assets in order to reduce risk. These funds typically hold a portfolio of investments from a variety of sectors, industries, and geographic regions. Key Features: Low risk: Diversified funds spread the risk of investment across a broad range […]

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Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds A mutual fund is a pool of money managed by professional investors, who buy and sell stocks and other securities to generate returns for investors. Investors Contribute money to the fund, and the fund manager invests it in a portfolio of securities. Types of Mutual Funds: Open-end funds: Allow investors to buy and […]

2 mins read

Redemption Fee

Redemption Fee A redemption fee is a fee charged by a security issuer when a security holder redeems their securities before maturity. It is typically a fee paid to the issuer to compensate them for the inconvenience of early redemption. Types of Redemption Fees: Cash Redemption Fee: A fee paid in cash to the issuer. […]

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Life-Cycle Fund

Life Cycle Fund (LCF) The life cycle fund (LCF) is a type of savings plan that saves for various life cycle stages, typically occurring in different years. It is utilized as a strategy for ensuring a steady flow of funds for various expenses associated with different life cycle phases, such as college savings, retirement savings, […]

2 mins read

Yield To Maturity (Ytm) Or Yield

Yield to Maturity (YTM) Yield to maturity (YTM) is a key interest rate that measures the total return an investor receives from an investment, including interest payments and capital appreciation, at a specific maturity date. It is a crucial concept in understanding the performance of investments. Formula for YTM: YTM = (1 + Interest Rate/n)^(n*Time) […]

1 min read

Libor (London Interbank Offer Rate)

As of today, October 26, 2023, the Libor London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) is 3.50%. Here are some resources where you can find the latest Libor rate: Bloomberg: libor-gbp-usd-otr-interbank-deposit-rate-LIBOR-IGS-London-USD The Wall Street Journal: dollar-libor-rate-news-data Interest Rate Central: libor-rate/ Please note that Libor rates are currently very volatile and can fluctuate significantly on a daily basis. […]

1 min read

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