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Underwriting Underwriting is the process of evaluating the risks associated with a loan or other financial transaction and determining whether the borrower is eligible for financing. It involves gathering and analyzing various factors, including the borrower’s credit history, income, assets, and liabilities. Key Steps in Underwriting: 1. Application Review:– Review the borrower’s loan application and […]

2 mins read

Uncollected Funds

Uncollected funds are an accounting concept that refers to money that is owed to a company but has not yet been collected. This can include accounts receivable, invoices, and other claims. Here are some key points about uncollected funds: Types of uncollected funds: Accounts receivable: This is the most common type of uncollected funds. It […]

2 mins read

Credit Mix

Definition: A credit mix is a measure of an individual’s credit behavior based on the mix of credit accounts they have open. It includes the number and types of credit accounts, such as revolving credit accounts (e.g., credit cards), installment loans, and mortgage loans. Factors Affecting Credit Mix: Number of Credit Accounts: Having a low […]

1 min read

Floor Limit

Definition: A floor limit is a limit on the value of a variable that can take on at most a certain value, known as the floor or lower bound. Explanation: In programming languages, a floor limit is typically implemented using a conditional statement that checks if the variable value is below the floor limit. If […]

1 min read


Sure, here is the definition of transactor: Transactor – A participant in a transaction. A transactor is an entity that takes part in a transaction. It can be a person, organization, or computer system. The transactor is responsible for initiating and completing the transaction. The transactor must have the necessary resources and permissions to carry […]

1 min read

Sales Comparison Approach (Sca)

Sales Comparison Approach The sales comparison approach is a technique used in real estate valuation to estimate the value of a property by comparing it to similar properties that have recently sold. It is commonly used in residential and commercial property valuation. Key Principles: Identification of Comparable Properties: Select properties that are similar in size, […]

2 mins read

Retirement Benefits

Retirement Benefits Retirement benefits are a type of employee benefit that provide financial assistance to employees during their retirement. They are typically paid out in a lump sum or as a series of monthly payments. Types of Retirement Benefits: Defined benefit plans: Employers contribute to a separate fund that is used to provide retirement benefits […]

2 mins read

Private Label Credit Card

Private Label Credit Card A private label credit card is a credit card that is issued by a bank or financial institution under the name of a specific merchant or retailer. The issuer is the bank or financial institution, while the merchant or retailer licenses the use of its name and logo. Key Features: 1. […]

2 mins read

Zero Interest

Zero Interest Rate A zero interest rate is a hypothetical interest rate where the borrower does not pay any interest on a loan. This concept is often used in theoretical modeling and academic discussions, but it is not practical in real-world scenarios. Theoretical Significance: Lender’s equilibrium: In a perfect market, zero interest rate would be […]

1 min read

Demand Draft

Demand Draft A demand draft is a written order from a bank customer to the bank requesting payment of a specified sum of money on demand. It is also known as a negotiable instrument or simply a draft. Key Features of a Demand Draft: Orderer: The bank customer who issues the draft. Payee: The person […]

1 min read

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