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Housing Unit

Sure, Housing Unit is a term used in the United States to describe a structure used as a living quarters, including single-family homes, apartments, duplexes, and other multi-family structures. Here’s a breakdown of the term: Housing Unit: Definition: A housing unit is a separate living quarters with its own kitchen, bathroom, and sleeping area. Type: […]

1 min read

Pyramid Scheme

Pyramid Scheme A pyramid scheme is a type of fraudulent business model that relies on recruitment rather than product sales to generate revenue. Participants in a pyramid scheme recruit others to join the scheme, typically by promising high returns on investment. Characteristics of Pyramid Schemes: Recruitment-based: Revenue is primarily generated by recruiting new members, rather […]

1 min read


Indemnity Indemnity is a legal obligation to compensate someone for damages or losses suffered as a result of negligence or breach of duty. It is a sum of money paid to a person who has been harmed, either financially or physically, by the actions of another person. Types of Indemnity: 1. Express Indemnity:– Occurs when […]

1 min read


Sure, the word “remittance” is defined as: remittance: The act of sending money or other financial assistance to someone. Synonyms:– Transfer- Payment- Disbursement- Remittance payment- Remittance Antonyms:– Receipt- Acquisition- Receiving Examples: The recipient of the remittance was grateful for the help. The company’s remittance fees are very high. The government is working to reduce remittance […]

1 min read

Marginal Standing Facility

The marginal standing facility is a lending facility provided by banks to their customers as a source of overdraft protection. It is used to cover any overdraft fees that might arise due to inadequate funds in the customer’s account. Here are the key points about marginal standing facility in Indian banking: Purpose: To provide safety […]

1 min read

Debit Balance

Debit Balance A debit balance occurs when the total debits to an account exceed the total credits, resulting in a negative account balance. Causes of a Debit Balance: Overdrafting a check or electronic transfer Making a purchase that exceeds the available balance Borrowings not repaid on time Fees charged to the account Errors in bookkeeping […]

1 min read

Credit Limit

Definition: A credit limit is the maximum amount of money that a credit card issuer is willing to lend to a cardholder. It is generally expressed in dollars and is typically established at the time of account opening. Purpose: Determines credit utilization ratio: The credit utilization ratio is the amount of credit used compared to […]

1 min read

Scheduled Bank

Scheduled Bank A scheduled bank is a banking institution that is regulated by a central authority, typically a national government, and operates under a set of rules and regulations. Scheduled banks are typically larger and more complex than other types of banks, such as savings banks or credit unions. They offer a wide range of […]

2 mins read

Debit Card

A debit card is a plastic payment card that electronically deducts money from your bank account when you make purchases. It allows you to make purchases in stores, online, and over the phone. There are two main types of debit cards: traditional debit cards and prepaid debit cards. Traditional debit cards: Issued by your bank […]

2 mins read

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