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Definition: Overweight refers to a condition in which a person’s body weight exceeds the recommended or healthy weight for their height and age. It is a common health problem that affects a significant portion of the global population. Causes: Genetics: Some people are born with a genetic predisposition to be overweight. Diet: An unhealthy diet […]

1 min read


Covariance Covariance is a measure of the linear relationship between two variables. It is a statistic that quantifies the degree to which two variables vary together. Formula: covariance (cov) = E[(X – mean(X))(Y – mean(Y))] where: E is the expected value X and Y are the two variables mean(X) and mean(Y) are the means of […]

1 min read


Sure, there are multiple interpretations of the word “switching”: 1. Changing the object of affection: This definition refers to a change in the person or thing someone is attracted to. It can be synonymous with phrases like “flipping” or “going for” someone. Example: “He switched his affections from her to her friend.” 2. Changing the […]

1 min read

Portfolio Manager

A portfolio manager is a financial professional who oversees a group of investments for a particular client or group of clients. They are responsible for making investment decisions, managing risk, and generating returns. Key responsibilities: Developing and implementing investment strategies: This includes setting investment objectives, identifying suitable investments, and making ongoing adjustments. Managing risk: This […]

2 mins read

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