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Burnout Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged or excessive work-related stress. It is characterized by feelings of depletion, cynicism, and reduced personal accomplishment. Symptoms: Emotional exhaustion: Feeling emotionally drained and depleted of energy, often accompanied by feelings of hopelessness and cynicism. Physical exhaustion: Experiencing physical symptoms such as […]

2 mins read


Definition: Takeout, also known as curbside pickup or delivery, is a type of food service that allows customers to order food from a restaurant and have it delivered to their home or picked up at the restaurant. Types of Takeout: Full-service takeout: The restaurant provides all the necessary packaging, utensils, and condiments. Packaging-free takeout: Customers […]

1 min read

Marginal Land

Marginal Land Marginal land is land that is less fertile than other land and is often difficult to cultivate. It is often characterized by marginal soil, low water availability, and extreme weather conditions. Characteristics of Marginal Land: Low soil fertility: Marginal land has low soil fertility, which means that it has little nutrients to support […]

2 mins read

Real Property

Real Property Real property is a tangible asset that includes land and the improvements made to it, such as buildings, roads, and utilities. It is a physical asset that is permanently attached to a particular location. Types of Real Property: Land: Undeveloped or undeveloped land. Residential: Single-family homes, apartments, and condominiums. Commercial: Office buildings, retail […]

1 min read


Foreclosure Foreclosure is the process of legally taking back a property from a borrower who has defaulted on a loan. The lender initiates foreclosure proceedings when the borrower fails to make timely payments, breaches loan terms, or otherwise violates the terms of the loan agreement. Types of Foreclosure: Standard foreclosure: Also known as conventional foreclosure, […]

2 mins read


Easement An easement is a legal right to use a property in a specific way, either over the land or across it. It is a non-possessory interest that grants the holder the right to enjoy a certain use of the property without owning it. Types of Easements: Positive easements: Grant the holder the right to […]

2 mins read


The word “delinquent” is a term used to describe someone who has committed a crime or has acted in a way that is against the rules of society. It is a synonym for words like “criminal”, “offender”, and “rogue”. Examples of usage: “The delinquent youth was caught stealing from the store.” “The delinquent driver was […]

1 min read

Industrial Park

Definition: An industrial park is a designated area of land that is used primarily for industrial purposes, such as manufacturing, distribution, and storage. It typically consists of a collection of industrial buildings and infrastructure, such as roads, utilities, and telecommunications. Key Features: Industrial zoning: Industrial parks are zoned specifically for industrial use, ensuring that the […]

2 mins read


The word “impound” has several meanings. It can be a verb meaning “to seize” or “to hold” (usually for payment of a debt or penalty). It can also be a noun meaning “a place of detention.” Here are some examples of how the word “impound” can be used in a sentence: Verb: The police impounded […]

1 min read


Definition: A sublease is a legally binding agreement between a sublessor (an individual or company that leases space from another party) and a subtenant (an individual or company that leases space from the sublessor). It is a secondary lease, created when a sublessor assigns the leasehold interest of the primary lease to a subtenant. Key […]

1 min read

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