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Foreclosure Foreclosure is the process of legally taking back a property from a borrower who has defaulted on a loan. The lender initiates foreclosure proceedings when the borrower fails to make timely payments, breaches loan terms, or otherwise violates the terms of the loan agreement. Types of Foreclosure: Standard foreclosure: Also known as conventional foreclosure, […]

2 mins read


Easement An easement is a legal right to use a property in a specific way, either over the land or across it. It is a non-possessory interest that grants the holder the right to enjoy a certain use of the property without owning it. Types of Easements: Positive easements: Grant the holder the right to […]

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The word “delinquent” is a term used to describe someone who has committed a crime or has acted in a way that is against the rules of society. It is a synonym for words like “criminal”, “offender”, and “rogue”. Examples of usage: “The delinquent youth was caught stealing from the store.” “The delinquent driver was […]

1 min read


Dissaving Dissaving refers to the process of increasing savings, usually by reducing consumption. It is a behavioral adjustment that involves allocating a larger portion of income towards savings. Dissaving typically occurs when there is an increase in income or a decrease in expenses. Causes of Dissaving: Increased income: When income increases, people may save a […]

2 mins read

Industrial Park

Definition: An industrial park is a designated area of land that is used primarily for industrial purposes, such as manufacturing, distribution, and storage. It typically consists of a collection of industrial buildings and infrastructure, such as roads, utilities, and telecommunications. Key Features: Industrial zoning: Industrial parks are zoned specifically for industrial use, ensuring that the […]

2 mins read


The word “impound” has several meanings. It can be a verb meaning “to seize” or “to hold” (usually for payment of a debt or penalty). It can also be a noun meaning “a place of detention.” Here are some examples of how the word “impound” can be used in a sentence: Verb: The police impounded […]

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Definition: A sublease is a legally binding agreement between a sublessor (an individual or company that leases space from another party) and a subtenant (an individual or company that leases space from the sublessor). It is a secondary lease, created when a sublessor assigns the leasehold interest of the primary lease to a subtenant. Key […]

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Escrow Agreement

Escrow Agreement Effective Date: [Date] Parties: [Escrow Agent’s Name] (“Escrow Agent”) [Buyer’s Name] (“Buyer”) [Seller’s Name] (“Seller”) Property: [Property Address] Consideration: In consideration for the exchange of the Property, the parties agree to enter into this Escrow Agreement (the “Agreement”). Escrow Agent’s Responsibilities: To hold the Escrow Fund in trust for the benefit of both […]

1 min read


Definition: Timeshare is a fractional ownership arrangement in which individuals purchase the right to use a specific property (such as a resort or vacation home) for a specific number of days each year. Key Features: Fractional Ownership: Timeshares divide ownership of a property into fractional shares, typically ranging from one-eighth to one-tenth. Annual Usage: Owners […]

1 min read

Public Private Patnership

Sure, here is the explanation for “public private patnership”: Public-Private Partnership (PPP) A public-private partnership (PPP) is a long-term contract between a government agency and a private company for the design, financing, construction, operation, and maintenance of public infrastructure assets. The government agency retains ownership of the assets but delegates responsibility for their operation and […]

2 mins read

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