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Ulcer Index (Ui)

Ulcer Index (UI) The ulcer index (UI) is a scoring system used to assess the severity of gastrointestinal (GI) ulcers. It was developed in 1985 by Sidney Braunwald, a renowned American physician and gastrointestinal specialist. The UI is a simple and quick tool that helps doctors determine the overall severity of an ulcer, taking into […]

1 min read

Bar Graph

Definition: A bar graph, also known as a column graph, is a type of graph that uses bars to represent data categories. Each bar represents a separate category, and the height of the bar corresponds to the value of the category. Components: Bars: Vertical columns that represent the categories. Labels: Names of the categories on […]

2 mins read

Value-Added Monthly Index (Vami)

Value Added Monthly Index (VAMI) The Value Added Monthly Index (VAMI) is a seasonally adjusted index that measures the growth in value added by the manufacturing sector in a particular country. It is a key indicator of economic activity and is often used to gauge the strength of the manufacturing sector’s contribution to GDP growth. […]

2 mins read

Hockey Stick Chart

A hockey stick chart is a type of line chart that is used to track the progress of a hockey team over time. It is typically a graph of the team’s goals and shots on goal for each period of the game. Parts of a Hockey Stick Chart: Two lines: One line represents the team’s […]

1 min read

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