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Ticker Tape

Definition: Ticker tape is a continuous strip of paper that is used to record stock prices and other financial data in real time. It is a common form of financial display that is often seen in trading rooms and on the sidelines of markets. Key Features: Continuous Tape: Ticker tape provides a continuous stream of […]

2 mins read

Binary Option

Binary Option A binary option is a type of option that pays out a fixed sum of money if the underlying asset’s price reaches a certain level, and zero otherwise. In other words, the payoff is binary, meaning it is either a win or a loss, without any intermediate payouts. Key Features: Fixed payout: The […]

2 mins read

Square Off

Sure, “square off” has a couple of meanings and interpretations, depending on the context: 1. As a verb: Meaning: To confront or challenge someone in a competitive or confrontational way. Example: The two fighters squared off in the ring. The two teams squared off in a tense match. 2. As a phrase: Meaning: To be […]

1 min read

Shooting Star

A shooting star, also known as a meteor, is a celestial phenomenon that occurs when a meteoroid, which is a small piece of rock that orbits the Sun, burns up as it enters Earth’s atmosphere. Cause: When a meteoroid, typically a few millimeters to meters in size, enters Earth’s atmosphere, it is heated by friction […]

2 mins read

Positive Feedback

Positive feedback is a process in which a system or process amplifies the changes in its own state, leading to an exponential increase in the magnitude of the changes. This can be seen in many natural and man-made systems. Examples of positive feedback: 1. Snowflakes: As a snowflake grows, it creates more nucleation sites, which […]

2 mins read

Trading Account

Definition: A trading account is a financial account used to execute trades in financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, options, and derivatives. It is typically opened with a brokerage firm, which acts as an intermediary between the investor and the market. Key Features: Account Number: A unique identification number assigned to each trading account. Cash […]

2 mins read


Definition: An instrument is a device used to produce, transmit, or receive sound. It is a tool that converts sound waves into vibrations and vice versa. Instruments are classified into various categories based on the principles of operation, the type of sound they produce, and the manner in which they are played. Types of Instruments: […]

1 min read


Confluence is a collaborative platform used primarily for project management and knowledge sharing within organizations. Key features: Project management: Kanban boards, SCRUM altars, Gantt charts, and other tools to track progress and manage projects. Knowledge sharing: Wikis, documents, and pages for collaboration and information sharing. Team collaboration: Discussions, comments, and annotations to foster teamwork and […]

1 min read

Call Option

Definition: A call option is an option contract that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to purchase an asset at a specified price (strike price) on or before a specified date (expiration date). Key Features: Right to purchase: The buyer has the right to purchase the asset at the strike price, but […]

2 mins read

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