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Sure, pairoff is a term used in mathematics to describe a function that assigns to each element of a set a unique pair of elements from another set. In other words, it’s a function that pairs each element of one set with two elements of another set, such that each element of the first set […]

1 min read

Nash Equilibrium

Nash Equilibrium A Nash equilibrium is a set of strategies, one for each player, where each player’s strategy is optimal given the strategies of the other players. In other words, it is a point where all players are satisfied with their chosen strategies, and there is no incentive for any player to change their strategy. […]

2 mins read

Random Walk Theory

Random Walk Theory Random walk theory is a fundamental concept in probability theory and statistics that describes a series of events that occur randomly and independently of each other. It is a key concept in many fields of study, including statistics, physics, computer science, and finance. Definition: A random walk is a sequence of steps, […]

2 mins read

Pure Play

Pure Play Pure play refers to a category of play that is not driven by any extrinsic goals or incentives. It is characterized by the absence of rules, strategies, or competition. Instead, pure play is motivated by the enjoyment of the activity itself, regardless of the outcome. Examples of Pure Play: Playing for the sheer […]

1 min read

Market Arbitrage

Market Arbitrage Market arbitrage is a trading strategy that involves exploiting price discrepancies across different markets for the same asset. This is a strategy that takes advantage of differences in asset prices between various marketplaces. How Market Arbitrage Works: Identify price discrepancies: Arbitrageurs scan different markets for assets with significant price discrepancies. Buy low, sell […]

2 mins read

Balanced Investment Strategy

Balanced Investment Strategy A balanced investment strategy is a portfolio management strategy that aims to achieve a desired return with a given level of risk by allocating funds across a range of investments, typically stocks, bonds, and other assets. The goal is to maintain a balance between risk and return, reducing overall volatility while aiming […]

2 mins read

Fibonacci Retracement

Fibonacci retracement is a technical analysis indicator that identifies support and resistance levels based on the Fibonacci sequence, a series of numbers generated by adding the previous two numbers in the sequence. Formula: The Fibonacci retracement is calculated by taking the ratio of the distance between a point and the previous low to the distance […]

2 mins read

Asteroid Event

An asteroid event refers to the impact of a large meteoroid or asteroid on Earth. Such events have occurred throughout history, and they can have a devastating impact on the planet. Types of Asteroid Events: Crater Forming Events: These events occur when a large asteroid or meteoroid impacts the Earth, creating a deep crater. The […]

2 mins read

Dawn Raid

A dawn raid is a military operation that takes place at the first light of day. It is often used to surprise an enemy and gain an advantage in the early hours of the day. Characteristics of a dawn raid: Surprise: The operation is carried out at a time when the enemy is least expecting […]

1 min read

Rolling Settlement

Rolling Settlement A rolling settlement is a type of settlement pattern in which the population is dispersed over time and space in a way that the settlements are constantly moving and expanding. This is often seen in nomadic cultures or in societies that have a highly mobile lifestyle. Characteristics of Rolling Settlements: Mobility: The settlements […]

2 mins read

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