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White Paper

Definition: A white paper is a comprehensive document that provides a detailed explanation of a particular topic. It typically includes an overview of the problem, a discussion of potential solutions, and recommendations. White papers are often used to inform and persuade stakeholders about a specific issue or propose a new solution. Purpose: Educate and inform: […]

2 mins read

Portfolio Turnover

Definition: Portfolio turnover is a measure of how frequently a portfolio manager changes the investments in a portfolio. It is expressed as a percentage of the securities in the portfolio that are sold and replaced with new securities in a given period. Formula: “`Portfolio turnover = (S – B) / A * 100% where: S […]

2 mins read

Ism Manufacturing Index

The Index of Manufacturing Industry (IMI) is a measure of the overall health of the manufacturing sector in a country. It is a composite indicator that incorporates data on various factors including: Key Components: New Orders: This component reflects the level of new manufacturing orders received by manufacturers. It is a key indicator of future […]

1 min read

Swing For The Fences

The phrase “swing for the fences” is a metaphor used to describe someone who is taking a great risk. It is often used in the context of sports, but can also be used in other areas of life. Meaning:– To take a great risk, often beyond the limits of what is considered safe or reasonable.- […]

1 min read

Trading Strategies

Trading Strategies A trading strategy is a set of rules and principles used to guide a trader’s decision-making process. It includes identifying the specific assets to trade, determining entry and exit points, managing risk, and setting profit targets. Types of Trading Strategies: 1. Fundamental Analysis:– Focuses on company financials, industry trends, and market conditions to […]

2 mins read

Efficient Market Hypothesis (Emh)

The efficient market hypothesis (EMH) is one of the most fundamental concepts in financial theory. It proposes that all available information about a company is already reflected in its stock price. In other words, there is no information asymmetry between buyers and sellers. There are two main forms of the EMH: 1. Weak form: This […]

2 mins read

Bag Holder

Definition: A bag holder is a device that securely holds a bag in place. It is typically used in motor vehicles to keep bags in the trunk or on the back seat. Types: Traditional bag holders: These are typically made of metal and have a strap or hooks that attach to the vehicle’s luggage hooks […]

2 mins read

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