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Normal Yield Curve

Normal Yield Curve A normal yield curve is a term used in finance to describe an interest rate curve that follows the general trend of increasing interest rates from short-term to long-term securities. Characteristics of a Normal Yield Curve: Ascending: Interest rates rise from left to right, starting with short-term rates and increasing to long-term […]

2 mins read


Definition: Risk is the potential for loss or harm, and it can be measured in terms of its likelihood and severity. Risk assessment is the process of identifying and evaluating risks and taking steps to mitigate them. Key Concepts: Risk Factor: A factor that increases the likelihood of a risk occurring. Risk Probability: The likelihood […]

1 min read

Fitch Ratings

Fitch Ratings, Inc. is a global credit rating agency headquartered in New York City, United States. It is one of the Big Three credit rating agencies, along with Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s Investors Service. Fitch Ratings provides credit ratings on a wide range of companies, governments, and other entities. Key features of Fitch Ratings: […]

2 mins read

Notional Value

Notional value is a theoretical value of an asset or liability that is not necessarily reflected in its current market price. It’s basically the value that a specific asset or liability would have in a hypothetical market where all factors are perfect. Here’s a breakdown of the key points: Notional value: Refers to the face […]

1 min read


Definition: An arbitrageur is a trader who exploits price discrepancies between similar assets or markets to generate profit. Types of Arbitrage: Cash arbitrage: Occurs when there are differences in the prices of the same asset in different currencies. Futures arbitrage: Exploits price discrepancies between futures contracts for the same asset. Inventory arbitrage: Takes advantage of […]

2 mins read


Sure, here’s the definition of “antedate”: Antedate – To occur before a specified time or event. Examples: The war antedated the development of the novel. The painting antedates the artist’s emigration. The first edition of the book antedated the second edition by a year. Synonyms: Precede Predate Go before Prior Earlier Antonyms: Postdate Subsequent Follow […]

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The word “aggressor” can refer to a person who is aggressive, hostile, or violent. It can also refer to a person who attacks or harms others. Synonyms: Aggressive Hostile Violent Expansive Rapacious Hostile Malicious Antonyms: Pacifier Submissive Non-aggressive Friendly Gentle Mild Examples: The aggressor attacked the victim, causing serious injuries. The soldier was a courageous […]

1 min read

Mcginley Dynamic Indicator

Mcginley Dynamic Indicator (MDI) is a trend-following indicator developed by the trader Gerald McGinley. It is designed to measure the strength of trend movement and momentum, by analyzing the relationship between the current price and the average price over a specific period. Key Concepts: Average Line: MDI consists of two lines, an upper line and […]

2 mins read

Neural Networks

Neural Networks Neural networks are a type of deep learning algorithm that are inspired by the structure and function of the human brain. They are composed of interconnected nodes, called neurons, that process and transmit signals. Architecture: A neural network consists of multiple layers, typically arranged in a hierarchy. Each layer receives input from the […]

2 mins read

Balanced Investment Strategy

Balanced Investment Strategy A balanced investment strategy is a portfolio management strategy that aims to achieve a desired return with a given level of risk by allocating funds across a range of investments, typically stocks, bonds, and other assets. The goal is to maintain a balance between risk and return, reducing overall volatility while aiming […]

2 mins read

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