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Passive Management

Passive Management Passive management is an investment strategy that involves mimicking the performance of a market index or a particular group of securities. Rather than actively selecting individual investments, passive managers use index funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that track the performance of the market or index. Key Principles of Passive Management: Tracking: Passive managers […]

2 mins read

Beta Risk

Beta Risk Beta risk is a measure of the volatility of a security or portfolio. It quantifies the extent to which the security or portfolio’s returns move in synchronization with the returns of the overall market. Formula: Beta = Standard Deviation of Security Returns / Standard Deviation of Market Returns Interpretation: Beta greater than 1: […]

2 mins read


The tide is a periodic rise and fall of ocean water caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun. This phenomenon is also called the tidal force. Causes of the Tide: Gravitational pull: The Moon and Sun exert a gravitational pull on the water on Earth. This pull causes the water to move […]

2 mins read


Hardening is the process of making something more resistant to damage, deformation, or corrosion. It can be applied to a variety of materials, including metals, plastics, and ceramics. Methods of Hardening: 1. Heat Treatment:– Annealing: Heating the material to a high temperature and then slowly cooling it down.- Tempering: Heating the material to a high […]

1 min read

Broad Tape

Sure, I understand that “broad tape” is a vague term. To give you a better understanding, please provide me with more information about what you want to know about broad tape. Here are some options: 1. What is broad tape? Broad tape is a type of tape that is typically wide, usually between 1 and […]

1 min read

Commercial Trader

Definition: A commercial trader is an individual or company that engages in the buying and selling of goods, services, or financial instruments for profit. They typically operate on a larger scale than retail traders, who buy and sell personal items for their own use. Key Characteristics: Specialized: Commercial traders specialize in trading specific commodities, products, […]

2 mins read

Bar Graph

Definition: A bar graph, also known as a column graph, is a type of graph that uses bars to represent data categories. Each bar represents a separate category, and the height of the bar corresponds to the value of the category. Components: Bars: Vertical columns that represent the categories. Labels: Names of the categories on […]

2 mins read


Greenmail Greenmail is a term used to describe the practice of sending unsolicited or excessive email messages to a recipient, often with the intention of harassing, intimidating, or spamming. It is a form of electronic bullying or harassment that can have a significant negative impact on the recipient’s well-being. Characteristics of Greenmail: Unwanted and unsolicited: […]

1 min read


A warrant is a legal document issued by a magistrate or judge, authorizing a law enforcement officer to conduct a search or arrest. Types of Warrants: Search warrant: Authorizes law enforcement officers to search a premises for evidence related to a crime. Arrest warrant: Authorizes law enforcement officers to arrest a person for a specific […]

2 mins read

Price Discovery

Price Discovery Price discovery is the process of determining the equilibrium price of a good or service in a market. It is the process by which buyers and sellers interact to establish the price at which the quantity of a good or service that buyers are willing to buy is equal to the quantity that […]

2 mins read

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