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Definition: Ex ante refers to something that happens before a particular event or action takes place. Explanation: Ex ante: Occurring or happening before the event or action. Ex post: Occurring or happening after the event or action. Examples: Ex ante: The price of a house before it is sold. Ex post: The price of a […]

1 min read

Exposure Netting

Exposure netting is a technique used in physics and engineering to measure the electric field (E-field) produced by a particular charge distribution. It involves creating a net-like enclosure with very low capacitance and resistance to surround the charge distribution. Principle: The electric field (E-field) produced by a charge distribution is a vector field that describes […]

2 mins read

Hindsight Bias

Hindsight bias is a cognitive bias that refers to the phenomenon of people overestimating their ability to predict future events accurately, based on their own experiences and biases. Explanation: Future events: People tend to underestimate the uncertainty of future events. Experiences: Their own experiences lead them to believe that their predictions are more accurate than […]

2 mins read

Managed Account

A managed account is a type of investment account where the assets are chosen and managed by a professional investor, typically a financial advisor or wealth manager. Key features of managed accounts: Professional management: The investor’s assets are actively managed by a professional who creates and maintains a portfolio tailored to their specific goals and […]

2 mins read

Swing For The Fences

The phrase “swing for the fences” is a metaphor used to describe someone who is taking a great risk. It is often used in the context of sports, but can also be used in other areas of life. Meaning:– To take a great risk, often beyond the limits of what is considered safe or reasonable.- […]

1 min read

Break-Even Price

The break-even price is the price at which the total cost of production and manufacturing a product is equal to the total revenue generated. It’s a key metric in business finance used to determine the price at which a company can neither gain nor lose money. Here’s the formula for calculating the break-even price: Break-even […]

2 mins read


Hoarding Hoarding is a compulsive accumulation and retention of objects, often to the point where it interferes with daily life. Hoarding can be caused by various factors, including mental health conditions such as anxiety, OCD, and PTSD, as well as environmental factors such as poverty, squalor, and social isolation. Symptoms of Hoarding: Accumulation of a […]

2 mins read

Invisible Supply

Invisible Supply Invisible supply refers to the factors that influence the quantity of a good or service that producers are willing and able to produce. These factors include: 1. Technological Advancements: Innovations in technology can increase the quantity of a good or service that can be produced from a given amount of input. 2. Availability […]

2 mins read

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