1 min read

Void Transaction

Transaction Function Definition:

“`cvoid transaction(){ // Begin the transaction begin_transaction();

// Perform operations within the transaction// Example: update customer account balance// Commit the transactioncommit_transaction();// Handle any errors during the transactionif (error()){    // Rollback the transaction    rollback_transaction();}



  • begin_transaction(): Starts a new transaction.
  • commit_transaction(): Commits the transaction and makes it permanent.
  • rollback_transaction(): Rolls back the transaction if there are errors.
  • error(): Checks if there are any errors during the transaction.


“`cvoid transfer_money(int from_account, int to_account, int amount){ transaction();

// Update the account balancesupdate_account_balance(from_account, -amount);update_account_balance(to_account, amount);// Commit the transactioncommit_transaction();


In this example, the transfer_money() function uses a transaction to ensure that the account balances are updated atomically. If there are errors during the transaction, the whole transaction will be rolled back, preventing inconsistent data.


  • Transactions can improve data consistency and prevent race conditions.
  • Transactions are usually used in multithreaded environments.
  • The specific implementation of begin_transaction(), commit_transaction(), and rollback_transaction() depends on the transactional system being used.
  • Transactions can have a performance overhead, so they should be used sparingly.
