1 min read

World Bank

The World Bank is an international organization that provides financial and technical assistance to low- and middle-income countries around the world. Founded in 1944, it is the largest international lender of money and plays a key role in developing sustainable solutions for developing countries.

Here are some of the key things you need to know about the World Bank:


  • To fight poverty and improve living standards worldwide
  • To promote sustainable development
  • To promote poverty reduction and shared prosperity

Main Activities:

  • Lending: Provides loans to low- and middle-income countries for projects in a variety of sectors, including infrastructure, education, health, and agriculture.
  • Technical Assistance: Provides grants and technical assistance to help developing countries build capacity and implement development programs.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Shares knowledge and best practices with developing countries through publications, training programs, and online resources.
  • Private Sector Engagement: Partners with private sector companies to expand their impact and create jobs in developing countries.


  • Headquarters: Washington, D.C., USA
  • Executive Board: 25 members, representing 53 countries
  • Management Team: led by the President and Vice President

Key Challenges:

  • Managing debt burden of developing countries
  • Ensuring transparency and accountability
  • Addressing climate change and its impact on developing countries
  • Promoting sustainable development and reducing poverty

Overall, the World Bank is a major international organization that plays a significant role in helping developing countries improve their living standards and achieve sustainable development.

Here are some additional resources that you may find helpful:

  • World Bank website: worldbank.org
  • World Bank Data: data.worldbank.org
  • World Bank Publications: pubdocs.worldbank.org
  • World Bank Knowledge Hub: knowledgehub.worldbank.org
